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? Going To OSCON
From Wild WebMink

? Going To OSCON

I just got a very welcome e-mail – an acceptance for my talk at OSCON in Portland this July. I’ll be speaking on Thursday morning, on this subject: Most open source...

College Librarians Warm up to Wikipedia
From The Eponymous Pickle

College Librarians Warm up to Wikipedia

From Inside Higher Ed:  In recent weeks I have been asked by several people about the validity of using Wikipedia links for research, both inside a company and...

From Computational Complexity

Going off topic in class: I think it worked--- this time

Recently I went off topic in a class. I think it was okay but I want YOUR thoughts. On Monday I defined Primitive Recursive functions showed them that addition...

Co-creation research journal
From Putting People First

Co-creation research journal


Heartland Robotics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Heartland Robotics

Rodney Brooks on Heartland Robotics  See the site. It has been declared a 'top 300' startup. Brooks, you will remember was a professor of Robotics at MIT and the...

links for 2011-04-14
From Wild WebMink

links for 2011-04-14

Open Standards law approved in Portugal The law is a great thing, as long as the actual implementation leads to greater software freedom. I humbly suggest the Portuguese...

Changing Incentives Creates Security Risks
From Schneier on Security

Changing Incentives Creates Security Risks

One of the things I am writing about in my new book is how security equilibriums change. They often change because of technology, but they sometimes change because...

Call to participate at the Core77 Design Awards
From Putting People First

Call to participate at the Core77 Design Awards

As one of the jury captains for the inaugural year of the Core77 Design Awards, I am calling upon all Putting People First readers to spread the news about the...

Book: Brave NUI World
From Putting People First

Book: Brave NUI World

Brave NUI World: Designing natural user interfaces for touch and gesture by Daniel Wigdor and Dennis Wixon Paperback, 264 pages Morgan Kaufmann, 2011 (Amazon link)...

Books for Computer Science Students
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Books for Computer Science Students

Ever since I was told about a list of Movies for Computer Science Students and wrote some comments about that list I have been thinking book. Fiction books. Novels...

How Consumers Use Tablets
From The Eponymous Pickle

How Consumers Use Tablets

Small Biz Labs reports on a Google survey of how consumers use tablets.   Not too surprising overall.  They are replacing TV use.

CRA-W Grad Cohort: Research Proposals
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

CRA-W Grad Cohort: Research Proposals

What exactly is a research proposal and how do you prepare a good one? The following advice, given at the 2011 CRA-W Grad Cohort, is mainly intended for your PhD...

The Open Java API for OLAP is growing up!
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

The Open Java API for OLAP is growing up!

Software is typically built using two types of programming languages. On the one hand, we have query languages (e.g., XQuery, SQL or MDX). On the other, we have...

Panel #4: Securing Web 2.0 (Panel Summary)
From CERIAS Blog

Panel #4: Securing Web 2.0 (Panel Summary)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011 Panel Members: * Gerhard Eschelbeck, Webroot * Lorraine Kisselburgh, Purdue * Ryan Olson, Verisign * Tim Roddy, McAfee * Mihaela Vorvoreanu...

Black Swans
From The Eponymous Pickle

Black Swans

A conversation with Nassim Taleb on living with Black Swans. In KnowlegeAtWharton.

Panel #3: Fighting Through: Mission Continuity Under Attack (Panel Summary)
From CERIAS Blog

Panel #3: Fighting Through: Mission Continuity Under Attack (Panel Summary)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011 Panel Members: Paul Ratazzi, Air Force Research Laboratories Saurabh Bagchi, Purdue Hal Aldridge, Sypris Electronics Sanjai Narain, Telcordia...

Panel #2: Scientific Foundations of Cyber Security (Panel Summary)
From CERIAS Blog

Panel #2: Scientific Foundations of Cyber Security (Panel Summary)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011 Panel Members: Victor Raskin, Purdue Greg Shannon, CERT Edward B. Talbot, Sandia National Labs Marcus K. Rogers, Purdue Panel Summary...

Security Fears of Wi-Fi in London Underground
From Schneier on Security

Security Fears of Wi-Fi in London Underground

The London Underground is getting Wi-Fi. Of course there are security fears: But Will Geddes, founder of ICP Group which specialises in reducing terror or technology...

AisleBuyer Makes Credit Card Use Easier
From The Eponymous Pickle

AisleBuyer Makes Credit Card Use Easier

I have mentioned innovative mobile retail tech company Aislebuyer here before.  Now they announce that they will add a capability that will use optical character...

Be Careful What You Wish For
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Be Careful What You Wish For

Mark Guzdial had a guest post by Eric Roberts of Stanford today titled - Guest Post: Eric Roberts on the Dangers of Escalating Enrollments which really got me thinking...
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