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Like It or Not, Facebook Has the Right to Choose Your News
From ACM Opinion

Like It or Not, Facebook Has the Right to Choose Your News

There's an old saying that you shouldn't pick a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel.

Why Biotech's Biggest Breakthrough Is Now In Dispute
From ACM News

Why Biotech's Biggest Breakthrough Is Now In Dispute

It sounds like the stuff of science fiction: A new gene-editing technology allows scientists to precisely locate and cut out bits of DNA from live cells in bacteria...

The Death of American Research and Development
From ACM Opinion

The Death of American Research and Development

When rumors began to fly about a merger between chemical giants Dow Chemical  and DuPont , it was obvious the deal was not your ordinary fee-driven scheme dreamed...

Age-Old question: Can Commercial Software Succeed in an Open-Source World?
From ACM Careers

Age-Old question: Can Commercial Software Succeed in an Open-Source World?

Answer: It depends on how you define success.

Best and Worst Graduate Degrees For Jobs in 2015
From ACM Careers

Best and Worst Graduate Degrees For Jobs in 2015

PayScale crunched the numbers for Fortune and identified the grad degrees that lead to lucrative careers—and those that lead to high stress and low pay.

Why Big Tech Isn't Celebrating Its Big Victory on Net Neutrality
From ACM Careers

Why Big Tech Isn't Celebrating Its Big Victory on Net Neutrality

Not long ago, Google execs would have been popping champagne corks over today's big news from the Federal Communications Commission.

What Do Consumers Want? Better Batteries, Not Wearables
From ACM Careers

What Do Consumers Want? Better Batteries, Not Wearables

The top tech need on the mind of most Americans isn't sharper televisions, smarter watches.

Is There a Cyber Security Equivalent of 'seal Team Six'?
From ACM News

Is There a Cyber Security Equivalent of 'seal Team Six'?

When a cyber breach goes down…who you gonna call? Many different U.S. government agencies, it turns out.

Walter Isaacson on the Women of Eniac
From ACM Careers

Walter Isaacson on the Women of Eniac

Ever since the days of Charles Babbage, who conceived of a giant mechanical calculator called the Analytical Engine in the 1830s, the engineering of computer hardware...

Where the Tech Jobs Are
From ACM CareerNews

Where the Tech Jobs Are

While layoffs have been occurring within the tech sector, companies continue to hire recent college graduates and experienced IT workers with the right technology...
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