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Why Doctors, Fashion Designers Are Learning Data Analytics, AI
From ACM Careers

Why Doctors, Fashion Designers Are Learning Data Analytics, AI

As technology becomes critical to careers and businesses, many outside the technology field are trying to pick up new-age digital skills.

IBM Pits Computer Against Human Debaters
From ACM Careers

IBM Pits Computer Against Human Debaters

IBM pitted a computer against two human debaters in the first public demonstration of artificial intelligence technology it's been working on for more than five...

This Indian Techie Is Fighting Sexism in Artificial Intelligence
From ACM Careers

This Indian Techie Is Fighting Sexism in Artificial Intelligence

Frustrated by the reinforcement of sexist ideas by subservient bots with female personas, Kriti Sharma has created a gender-neutral personal finance assistant. ...

Now, 'Smart Closet' to Help You Dress ­p
From ACM TechNews

Now, 'Smart Closet' to Help You Dress ­p

Researchers at the National University of Singapore and the Chinese Academy of Science are developing Magic Closet, a smart closet system that uses artificial intelligence...
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