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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Neuroscience to Benefit From Hybrid Supercomputer Memory
From ACM TechNews

Neuroscience to Benefit From Hybrid Supercomputer Memory

Researchers are studying how to combine different types of memory for less expensive and optimal supercomputing performance. 

3d Printer Brings Dexterity to Children With No Fingers
From ACM Careers

3d Printer Brings Dexterity to Children With No Fingers

Richard Van As was working in his home near Johannesburg, South Africa, in May of 2011, when he lost control of his table saw.

Danger Maps Backed By Alibaba Pinpoint Chinese Pollution
From ACM TechNews

Danger Maps Backed By Alibaba Pinpoint Chinese Pollution

Danger Maps, a crowdsourced mapping project, is helping users locate China's high pollution areas.

Google to Use Balloons to Provide Free Internet Access to Remote or Poor Areas
From ACM TechNews

Google to Use Balloons to Provide Free Internet Access to Remote or Poor Areas

Google plans to provide free Internet access to disaster-stricken, rural, or poor areas using giant helium balloons that beam Wi-Fi signals to the ground below. ...

Echolocating App Will Let You Map a Room with Sound
From ACM News

Echolocating App Will Let You Map a Room with Sound

Bats, dolphins, and even some blind people use echoes to create a mental 3D map of their environment and where they are in it. A smartphone's chirp could soon let...

GPS Maps Reveal Where Cats Go All Day
From ACM News

GPS Maps Reveal Where Cats Go All Day

The mysterious comings and goings of our feline friends just got a little less mysterious. Researchers at the Royal Veterinary College loaded a group of cats in...

Phones Leave a Telltale Trail
From ACM News

Phones Leave a Telltale Trail

The April robbery at the Cartier store in Chevy Chase, Md., was brazen and quick.

Now You Can Build Google's $1m Artificial Brain on the Cheap
From ACM News

Now You Can Build Google's $1m Artificial Brain on the Cheap

Andrew Ng wants to bring deep learning—an emerging computer science field that seeks to mimic the human brain with hardware and software into the DIY era.

China Trounces ­.s. in Top500 Supercomputer Race
From ACM TechNews

China Trounces ­.s. in Top500 Supercomputer Race

China's Tianhe-2 supercomputer has overtaken the U.S.'s Titan system as the world's most powerful computer, according to the latest Top500 List, a twice-yearly...

Programming Model for Supercomputers of the Future
From ACM TechNews

Programming Model for Supercomputers of the Future

Next-generation supercomputers could benefit from an asynchronous programming model developed at the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics.

A Revolution in the Making
From ACM News

A Revolution in the Making

On a dark and stormy night two weeks ago in Schenectady, N.Y., Ken Hislop was relaxing at home when his cellphone suddenly began buzzing in his pocket. It was an...

Will the Nsa Rethink Its Data Collection System?
From ACM Opinion

Will the Nsa Rethink Its Data Collection System?

Weekend Edition Sunday Host Rachel Martin talks to Joel Brenner, former senior counsel at the National Security Agency, about whether the NSA can protect Americans'...

Data Highways For Quantum Information
From ACM TechNews

Data Highways For Quantum Information

Vienna University of Technology researchers have developed a quantum technique that makes it possible to store quantum information over a sufficiently long period...

Computer Memory Can Be Read with a Flash of Light
From ACM News

Computer Memory Can Be Read with a Flash of Light

Modern computer-memory technologies come with a trade-off. There is speedy but short-term storage for on-the-fly processing—random-access memory, or RAM—and slow...

Making Online Translation Accurate, Reliable, and Efficient
From ACM TechNews

Making Online Translation Accurate, Reliable, and Efficient

The European Union is funding Multilingual On-Line Translation, a project designed to create an online tool that will enable Web-content providers to automatically...

Researchers Reveal Next-Generation Emergency Response Technology
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Reveal Next-Generation Emergency Response Technology

New smartphone apps can virtually place 9-1-1 operators at the scene of an emergency. The software enables operators to remotely control smartphone cameras so they...

Secret Court Ruling Put Tech Companies in Data Bind
From ACM News

Secret Court Ruling Put Tech Companies in Data Bind

In a secret court in Washington, Yahoo's top lawyers made their case.

CIA Releases Analyst's Fascinating Tale of Cracking the Kryptos Sculpture
From ACM News

CIA Releases Analyst's Fascinating Tale of Cracking the Kryptos Sculpture

It took eight years after artist Jim Sanborn unveiled his cryptographic sculpture at the CIA's headquarters for someone to succeed at cracking Kryptos's enigmatic...

Now Hear This: Navy Abandons All Caps
From ACM News

Now Hear This: Navy Abandons All Caps


Computer Scientists Grapple With How to Manage the Digital Legacy of the Departed
From ACM TechNews

Computer Scientists Grapple With How to Manage the Digital Legacy of the Departed

Current concerns for privacy and access shows a disconnect between the disposition of digital legacies and the technological advancements for generating them.
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