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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Teaching Old Microphones New Tricks
From ACM TechNews

Teaching Old Microphones New Tricks

Mobile phone software under development can be trained to identify stress in the human voice.

Cormoran Project Exploring Ways to Improve Cooperation In and Between Wireless Body Area Networks
From ACM TechNews

Cormoran Project Exploring Ways to Improve Cooperation In and Between Wireless Body Area Networks

The French National Research Agency is funding research on new forms of cooperation in and between wireless body area networks.

Just Tap Here: Technology and Travel
From ACM News

Just Tap Here: Technology and Travel

Goodbye, plastic hotel room key. So long, wallet. Farewell, camera.

How You and I Could Become Nodes in the Internet of Things
From ACM News

How You and I Could Become Nodes in the Internet of Things

Ever wonder what the network infrastructure of the future will be? Try looking in the mirror.

5 Things You Need to Know About NSA Phone Tracking
From ACM News

5 Things You Need to Know About NSA Phone Tracking

The revelation that the Obama administration is pursuing a massive surveillance program that tracks countless U.S. and international phone calls has brought privacy...

A Day in the Life of the Relentlessly Tracked
From ACM News

A Day in the Life of the Relentlessly Tracked

Controversy is raging over a court order allowing the FBI and the National Security Agency to seize aggregate information of millions of Verizon customer phone...

Google Making It Easier For Developers to Build Mobile Apps
From ACM TechNews

Google Making It Easier For Developers to Build Mobile Apps

The Google Mobile Backend Starter makes it easier for developers to build and sell their apps by automating the backend of apps development.

Printing Innovations Provide 10-Fold Improvement in Organic Electronics
From ACM TechNews

Printing Innovations Provide 10-Fold Improvement in Organic Electronics

A new printing process may be used to produce thin films capable of conducting electricity far more efficiently than those created using conventional methods. 

Hogwarts For Hackers: Inside the Science and Tech School of Tomorrow
From ACM TechNews

Hogwarts For Hackers: Inside the Science and Tech School of Tomorrow

The Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy public live-in high school for students who excel at math and science, allows students at their own pace.

Paypal's $100,000 Battle Hack Competition Wants Cool Social Apps
From ACM TechNews

Paypal's $100,000 Battle Hack Competition Wants Cool Social Apps

In PayPal's software-coding competition, Battle Hack, software developers vie to create a socially beneficial application that uses PayPal payment processing. 

The Hi-Tech Tattoo That Could Replace All Your Passwords: Motorola Reveals Plans For Ink, and Even Pills, to Identify ­S
From ACM TechNews

The Hi-Tech Tattoo That Could Replace All Your Passwords: Motorola Reveals Plans For Ink, and Even Pills, to Identify ­S

Seeking more-secure alternatives to passwords for online sites and mobile devices, Motorola is focusing on electronic tattoos and authentication pills. 

How Can Computing Become More Accessible?
From ACM News

How Can Computing Become More Accessible?

A growing number of tools and strategies are available to make computers and digital content accessible to people with disabilities.

Nasa Spacecraft Sees Tornado's Destructive Swath
From ACM News

Nasa Spacecraft Sees Tornado's Destructive Swath

A new image from the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) instrument on NASA's Terra spacecraft shows the extent of destruction...

Nsa Collecting Phone Records of Millions of Verizon Customers Daily
From ACM News

Nsa Collecting Phone Records of Millions of Verizon Customers Daily

The National Security Agency is currently collecting the telephone records of millions of US customers of Verizon, one of America's largest telecoms providers,...

Wisee ­ses Wi-Fi Signals to Recognize Body Gestures
From ACM News

Wisee ­ses Wi-Fi Signals to Recognize Body Gestures

Researchers say they have found a way to detect and recognize human gestures based on how they affect Wi-Fi signals.

They're Coming for Your DNA
From ACM News

They're Coming for Your DNA

DNA analysis is the major crime-solving advance of our time.

Mit's Magic Bag Of Sand
From ACM Opinion

Mit's Magic Bag Of Sand

The camera pushes in. And there, near the meridian line, you see a faint scattering of red lights. Something is in the tar. And it's glowing.

Researcher Cracks the Code on What Makes a Tweet Popular
From ACM TechNews

Researcher Cracks the Code on What Makes a Tweet Popular

Researchers have built a model to predict how many retweets any given tweet on Twitter will receive. 

This Pentagon Project Makes Cyberwar as Easy as Angry Birds
From ACM TechNews

This Pentagon Project Makes Cyberwar as Easy as Angry Birds

A new program called Plan X is designed to facilitate cyberwarfare executed in a manner similar to playing a video game. 

Robot Arm Wrapped in Sensitive Skin Has Gentle Touch
From ACM TechNews

Robot Arm Wrapped in Sensitive Skin Has Gentle Touch

Researchers have developed a robot arm that navigates by using the sense of touch, rather than trying to avoid bumping into people and objects. 
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