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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Is This Virtual Worm the First Sign of the Singularity?
From ACM News

Is This Virtual Worm the First Sign of the Singularity?

For all the talk of artificial intelligence and all the games of SimCity that have been played, no one in the world can actually simulate living things. Biology...

The Audacious Plan to End Hunger with 3D Printed Food
From ACM News

The Audacious Plan to End Hunger with 3D Printed Food

Anjan Contractor's 3D food printer might evoke visions of the "replicator" popularized in Star Trek, from which Captain Picard was constantly interrupting himself...

The Future of Propaganda: Sean Gourley on Big Data and the 'war of Ideas'
From ACM Opinion

The Future of Propaganda: Sean Gourley on Big Data and the 'war of Ideas'

In 2009, Sean Gourley, an Oxford-trained physicist, gave a TED talk called "The Mathematics of War."

How to Hack a Nation's Infrastructure
From ACM News

How to Hack a Nation's Infrastructure

I'm watching a live video feed of people visiting a cafe in London.

Intel Fuels a Rebellion Around Your Data
From ACM TechNews

Intel Fuels a Rebellion Around Your Data

Intel Labs is launching a data economy initiative to help consumers realize more of the value of their personal digital information. 

Principles of Ant Locomotion Could Help Future Robot Teams Work ­nderground
From ACM TechNews

Principles of Ant Locomotion Could Help Future Robot Teams Work ­nderground

Researchers say they have discovered the fundamental principles of locomotion that robot teams could use to quickly travel through underground tunnels.

Program Motivates Native Alaskans to Pursue STEM Careers
From ACM TechNews

Program Motivates Native Alaskans to Pursue STEM Careers

U.S. education needs improved quality control if it is to produce better results, says the founder of the Alaska Native Science and Engineering Program. 

How to Make a Less Creepy Robot? Simple, Just Add Data
From ACM News

How to Make a Less Creepy Robot? Simple, Just Add Data

Disney’s research arm has solved a problem that you probably didn’t even know robots have—their inability to accept objects from people in a natural way.

Is Computing Speed Set to Make a Quantum Leap?
From ACM Opinion

Is Computing Speed Set to Make a Quantum Leap?

"Our imagination is stretched to the utmost," wrote Richard Feynman, the greatest physicist of his day, "not, as in fiction, to imagine things which are not really...

Fed Chairman: 'humanity's Capacity to Innovate' Has Never Been Greater
From ACM TechNews

Fed Chairman: 'humanity's Capacity to Innovate' Has Never Been Greater

Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke says innovation and information technology are fueling economic change.

Face-Reading System Watches You Watching Ads
From ACM TechNews

Face-Reading System Watches You Watching Ads

Researchers have developed a system assess how muscles in the face move in response to watching a video. 

Princeton ­niversity Celebrates the Art of Science
From ACM News

Princeton ­niversity Celebrates the Art of Science

Sometimes the connection between art and science is clear.

Out with the Old
From ACM News

Out with the Old

Getting rid of obsolete data is getting more difficult, thanks to new regulations and more personal devices in the workplace.

If Your Shrink Is a Bot, How Do You Respond?
From ACM News

If Your Shrink Is a Bot, How Do You Respond?

Her hair is brown and tied back into a professional-looking ponytail.

Helper Robots Are Steered, Tentatively, to Care For the Aging
From ACM News

Helper Robots Are Steered, Tentatively, to Care For the Aging

In the opening scene of the movie "Robot & Frank," which takes place in the near future, Frank, an elderly man who lives alone, is arguing with his son about going...

Nasa Mars Rover Curiosity Drills Second Rock Target
From ACM News

Nasa Mars Rover Curiosity Drills Second Rock Target

NASA's Mars rover Curiosity has used the drill on its robotic arm to collect a powdered sample from the interior of a rock called "Cumberland."

Web Browsers Are Reinvented
From ACM News

Web Browsers Are Reinvented

Mobile phones, wearable devices, and self-driving cars are generating buzz as the future of technology. But the old Web browser is being reinvented too, in a trend...

Chatting in Code on Walkie-Talkies in Pakistan's Restive Tribal Areas
From ACM News

Chatting in Code on Walkie-Talkies in Pakistan's Restive Tribal Areas

Sharif loves using his mukhabera. "I use it daily, mostly at night time, because signals are clear at that time," he says. "I am in touch with most of my friends...

New Imaging System 'reads' Ancient Scrolls
From ACM TechNews

New Imaging System 'reads' Ancient Scrolls

A combination of x-rays and computer modeling offers historians a way to read ancient parchments so fragile they cannot be unrolled. 

Thought Experiment: Build a Supercomputer Replica of the Human Brain
From ACM TechNews

Thought Experiment: Build a Supercomputer Replica of the Human Brain

Henry Markram believes his Human Brain Project can simulate all 86 billion neurons in the human brain as well as the 100 trillion connections among them. 
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