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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

As Machines Get Smarter, Evidence They Learn Like US
From ACM News

As Machines Get Smarter, Evidence They Learn Like US

The brain performs its canonical task—learning—by tweaking its myriad connections according to a secret set of rules.

Nato ­rges Military to Recruit White Hat Hacker Army to Boost Defenses
From ACM TechNews

Nato ­rges Military to Recruit White Hat Hacker Army to Boost Defenses

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization has called for the military and private industry to recruit more ethical hackers.

The 'internet of Things' Will Mean Really, Really Big Data
From ACM TechNews

The 'internet of Things' Will Mean Really, Really Big Data

The Internet of things could benefit business in a broad range of areas. 

Guided Growth of Nanowires Leads to Self-Integrated Circuits
From ACM TechNews

Guided Growth of Nanowires Leads to Self-Integrated Circuits

Researchers say they have created self-integrating nanowires whose position, length, and direction can be fully controlled. 

A Step Towards Energy-Efficient Voltage Control of Magnetic Devices
From ACM TechNews

A Step Towards Energy-Efficient Voltage Control of Magnetic Devices

A new method creates simultaneous images of both the magnetic and the electric domain structures in ferromagnetic/ferroelectric multilayer materials. 

Studies at the ­ji Advance in Recognizing People By the Way They Walk
From ACM TechNews

Studies at the ­ji Advance in Recognizing People By the Way They Walk

A new biometric security technique is based on the way people walk and their silhouette. 

Sharing Resources in Condo Computing
From ACM News

Sharing Resources in Condo Computing

Condominium computing offers researchers the ability to own computing resources while sharing infrastructure costs.

They Know Much More Than You Think
From ACM Opinion

They Know Much More Than You Think

In mid-May, Edward Snowden, an American in his late twenties, walked through the onyx entrance of the Mira Hotel on Nathan Road in Hong Kong and checked in.

Testing the Future: Astronaut in Space Remote-Controls Robot in California
From ACM News

Testing the Future: Astronaut in Space Remote-Controls Robot in California

On a pebbled field built next to a parking lot, a small rover scoots forward and expels a long sheet of polyimide plastic from its backside, the third film the...

The Bell Labs of Quantum Computing
From ACM Careers

The Bell Labs of Quantum Computing

Raymond Laflamme can't yet sell you a quantum computer. But he'll sell you a $13,000 logic board for measuring entangled photons.

Researchers Build Jumping, Flipping, Hand-Standing Robot
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Build Jumping, Flipping, Hand-Standing Robot

The X-Rhex Lite robot can do a handstand, jump over gaps, and climb over rocks, all movements that could be used in hazardous situations. 

Kindergarten Coders Can Program Before They Can Read
From ACM TechNews

Kindergarten Coders Can Program Before They Can Read

Researchers are studying the ability of kindergarten-aged children to program computers using a graphics-based coding language called ScratchJr. 

Q&a: Tiffani Williams, Computer Scientist, on Creating an Open Source Tree of Life
From ACM TechNews

Q&a: Tiffani Williams, Computer Scientist, on Creating an Open Source Tree of Life

The Open Tree of Life project aims to develop an open source compendium of existing knowledge on thousands of plant and animal species. 

Make It Yourself and Save--a Lot--With 3D Printers
From ACM TechNews

Make It Yourself and Save--a Lot--With 3D Printers

A typical family can save a lot of money by making things with a 3D printer instead of buying them off the shelf. 

Facebook Invents a Php Virtual Machine
From ACM TechNews

Facebook Invents a Php Virtual Machine

Facebook says it has developed a virtual machine that can run the PHP Web programming language nine times as fast as PHP natively on large systems. 

Government Can Grab Cell Phone Location Records Without Warrant, Appeals Court Says
From ACM News

Government Can Grab Cell Phone Location Records Without Warrant, Appeals Court Says

In a major victory for the Justice Department over privacy advocates, a federal appeals court ruled Tuesday that government agencies can collect records showing...

Apps That Know What You Want, Before You Do
From ACM News

Apps That Know What You Want, Before You Do

In Hollywood, there are umbrella holders. Outside corner offices, there are people who know exactly how much cream to pour in the boss's coffee. In British castles...

Zeroing In on ­nbreakable Computer Security
From ACM News

Zeroing In on ­nbreakable Computer Security

The news out of Moscow of late has been dominated by Edward Snowden, the American leaker of secret state documents who is currently seeking temporary asylum in...

Yale Grad's 'prism' Program Turns Text Metadata Into Wavy Art
From ACM TechNews

Yale Grad's 'prism' Program Turns Text Metadata Into Wavy Art

The Prism application analyzes a user's own SMS messages and displays them in a colorful diagram with a timeline. 

Cheap Monitoring Highlights Dangers of Internet of Things
From ACM TechNews

Cheap Monitoring Highlights Dangers of Internet of Things

CreepyDOL is a new monitoring system that uses a network of inexpensive sensors to track people by their mobile devices. 
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