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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

How Samsung Is Beating Apple in China
From ACM Careers

How Samsung Is Beating Apple in China

Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook believes that "over the arc of time" China is a huge opportunity for his pathbreaking company. But time looks to be on the side of...

Neuroscientists Plant False Memories in the Brain
From ACM News

Neuroscientists Plant False Memories in the Brain

The phenomenon of false memory has been well-documented: In many court cases, defendants have been found guilty based on testimony from witnesses and victims who...

Court Says Skipping Ads Doesn't Violate Copyright. That's a Big Deal.
From ACM News

Court Says Skipping Ads Doesn't Violate Copyright. That's a Big Deal.

In 1984, the Supreme Court rejected Hollywood's argument that the record button on the Betamax VCR made its manufacturer, Sony, liable for copyright infringement...

Pin-Punching Robot Can Crack Your Phone's Security Code In Less Than 24 Hours
From ACM News

Pin-Punching Robot Can Crack Your Phone's Security Code In Less Than 24 Hours

There's nothing particularly difficult about cracking a smartphone’s four-digit PIN code.

A Digital Take on 'remembering the Alamo'
From ACM TechNews

A Digital Take on 'remembering the Alamo'

The Texas General Land Office is working with several Texas universities to preserve the Alamo through three-dimensional laser scanning and photogrammetry.

Paypal Founder's Fellowship Hatches Medication Reminder App
From ACM TechNews

Paypal Founder's Fellowship Hatches Medication Reminder App

Nightingale is an easy-to-use app that can provide customized medication reminders.

IBM Taps Into Android Devices for Volunteer Computing Effort
From ACM TechNews

IBM Taps Into Android Devices for Volunteer Computing Effort

Owners of Android-based smartphones and tablets can now "donate" surplus computing power from their devices to science. 

App Security Testing Tool
From ACM TechNews

App Security Testing Tool

A new system for testing the security of apps is designed to provide developers with individual reports for every app and operating system. 

Disney Researchers Create Computer Models That Capture Style and Process of Portrait Artists
From ACM TechNews

Disney Researchers Create Computer Models That Capture Style and Process of Portrait Artists

Disney researchers have developed computer models that learn an artist's drawing style. 

Software Employment Rises 45% in 10 Years, as Angst in Engineering Grows
From ACM TechNews

Software Employment Rises 45% in 10 Years, as Angst in Engineering Grows

IT employment has gone up and down over the past decade, but the only tech occupation that appears to have recovered to full employment is software developer, according...

Solid State Drives Transform Data Centers
From ACM News

Solid State Drives Transform Data Centers

Enterprises increasingly are incorporating solid-state drive technologies into their data centers.

The Mooc That Roared
From ACM Careers

The Mooc That Roared

Georgia Institute of Technology is about to take a step that could set off a broad disruption in higher education: It's offering a new master's degree in computer...

For Nsa Chief, Terrorist Threat Drives Passion to 'collect It All,' Observers Say
From ACM News

For Nsa Chief, Terrorist Threat Drives Passion to 'collect It All,' Observers Say

In late 2005, as Iraqi roadside bombings were nearing an all-time peak, the National Security Agency's newly appointed chief began pitching a radical plan for halting...

Research Update: Genome Editing Becomes More Accurate
From ACM News

Research Update: Genome Editing Becomes More Accurate

Earlier this year, MIT researchers developed a way to easily and efficiently edit the genomes of living cells. Now, the researchers have discovered key factors...

A New Approach to Information Storage
From Communications of the ACM

A New Approach to Information Storage

Disk drives and solid-state drives have long served as the foundation for computer storage, but breakthroughs in molecular and DNA science could revolutionize the...

Patient, Heal Thyself
From Communications of the ACM

Patient, Heal Thyself

New handheld medical diagnostic tools promise more efficient, lower-cost healthcare — but at what price?

Software Aims to Ensure Fairness in Crowdsourcing Projects
From Communications of the ACM

Software Aims to Ensure Fairness in Crowdsourcing Projects

The debate rages on about whether crowdsourcing is a win-win for workers, as well as for employers.

Curiosity Makes Its Longest One-Day Drive on Mars
From ACM News

Curiosity Makes Its Longest One-Day Drive on Mars

NASA's Mars rover Curiosity drove twice as far on July 21 as on any other day of the mission so far: 109.7 yards (100.3 meters).

World's Cheapest Computer Gets Millions Tinkering
From ACM TechNews

World's Cheapest Computer Gets Millions Tinkering

The Raspberry Pi was designed to help children learn to code; nearly 1.5 million of the Linux-based devices have sold in 18 months. 

Chips That Mimic the Brain
From ACM TechNews

Chips That Mimic the Brain

A breakthrough in the effort to build an artificial brain involves using neuromorphic chips to incorporate complex cognitive abilities into electronic systems. 
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