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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Physicists Discover the Secret of Quantum Remote Control
From ACM News

Physicists Discover the Secret of Quantum Remote Control

Teleportation is one of the more extraordinary phenomena in the quantum world.

The Only Thing Programmers Have to Fear Is... All of These Things
From ACM Careers

The Only Thing Programmers Have to Fear Is... All of These Things

Software developer is generally considered a pretty good job, and with good reason.

The Last Survivors of the End of the World
From ACM News

The Last Survivors of the End of the World

In 2 billion years' time, life on Earth will be confined to pockets of liquid water deep underground, according to PhD astrobiologist Jack O'Malley James of the...

Microscopy Technique Could Help Computer Industry Develop 3-D Components
From ACM TechNews

Microscopy Technique Could Help Computer Industry Develop 3-D Components

NIST NewsThrough-focus Scanning Optical Microscopy (TSOM) could become a crucial tool for improving computer chips. For decades, computer chips have resembledView...

Colleges Work to Retain Women in STEM Majors
From ACM TechNews

Colleges Work to Retain Women in STEM Majors

Higher education institutions are working to encourage women to pursue majors in science, technology, engineering, and math. 

Teaching a Computer to Play 'Concentration' Advances Security, ­nderstanding of the Human Mind
From ACM TechNews

Teaching a Computer to Play 'Concentration' Advances Security, ­nderstanding of the Human Mind

A new software designed to play the game Concentration could lead to better computer security and a greater understanding of how the human mind works. 

Pruning the Power Grid
From ACM TechNews

Pruning the Power Grid

A new algorithm identifies the most dangerous pairs of failures among the millions of possible failures in a power grid. 

Move Over Messi, Here Come the Robots
From ACM TechNews

Move Over Messi, Here Come the Robots

More than 1,000 soccer-playing robots from 40 countries are competing against each other in the RoboCup soccer tournament. 

The Immortal Life of the Enron E-Mails
From ACM News

The Immortal Life of the Enron E-Mails

Former Enron executive Vincent Kaminski is a modest, semi-retired business school professor from Houston who recently wrote a 960-page book explaining the fundamentals...

Meet the Most Important Tech Company You've Probably Never Heard Of
From ACM Opinion

Meet the Most Important Tech Company You've Probably Never Heard Of

Never trust gadget-makers’ claims about battery life.

What It's Like to Get a National-Security Letter
From ACM Opinion

What It's Like to Get a National-Security Letter

In the summer of 2011, while he was fighting an indictment for alleged computer crimes, Aaron Swartz, an information activist, read Kafka’s "The Trial" and ...

'shields to Maximum, Mr. Scott'
From ACM TechNews

'shields to Maximum, Mr. Scott'

Researchers are working with the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration to develop ballistic limit curves. 

Computer Models Figure Out Sickle Cell Crisis
From ACM TechNews

Computer Models Figure Out Sickle Cell Crisis

Researchers have used computing models to show how different types of red blood cells interact to cause sickle cell crisis. 

Nus Team Creates Realistic Robot Carp, First Robot Fish With Autonomous 3D Movement in Asia
From ACM TechNews

Nus Team Creates Realistic Robot Carp, First Robot Fish With Autonomous 3D Movement in Asia

A robot fish is ready to be programmed for specific functions, such as exploring the nooks and corners of wreckage for underwater archeology. 

Artificial Intellience in Mental Healthcare
From ACM TechNews

Artificial Intellience in Mental Healthcare

The mental healthcare field is seeking to use artificial intelligent agents to provide training, consultation, and treatment services. 

Google Creates Developers Cloud Playground For Code Testing
From ACM TechNews

Google Creates Developers Cloud Playground For Code Testing

Google has created a Cloud Playground environment in which developers can quickly try out new ideas. 

New ATM Designs Imitate Online and Mobile Banking
From ACM News

New ATM Designs Imitate Online and Mobile Banking

Before heading to lunch, Kirsten Keary-Taylor, 29, uses an iPhone app to request $20 from a nearby ATM. Passing the cash machine on her way out, she scans it with...

Indiana ­niversity Launches Data Capacitor Ii
From ACM News

Indiana ­niversity Launches Data Capacitor Ii

Indiana University's new five-petabyte Data Capacitor "will accommodate our storage requirements for a while." 

Manage Your Smart Home with a Single Gesture
From ACM News

Manage Your Smart Home with a Single Gesture

Our homes will get a lot smarter in the coming years, allowing us to use a smartphone to manage an integrated system of appliances and other electronics from any...

Investors Buy Into Software-Defined Networks, Will Customers Follow?
From ACM News

Investors Buy Into Software-Defined Networks, Will Customers Follow?

As Superstorm Sandy bore down on the East coast last year, companies with data centers in its path needed another location fast. But moving computer servers is...
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