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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Linux Foundation Sees Broadening Role For Developers
From ACM TechNews

Linux Foundation Sees Broadening Role For Developers

The Linux Foundation is expanding its training options to help Linux developers. 

Printing Tiny Batteries
From ACM TechNews

Printing Tiny Batteries

Researchers have printed precisely interlaced stacks of tiny battery electrodes, each less than the width of a human hair.

Sound Waves Precisely Position Nanowires
From ACM TechNews

Sound Waves Precisely Position Nanowires

Researchers have used sound waves to place nanowires in repeatable patterns for potential use in a variety of sensors, optoelectronics, and nanoscale circuits. 

Danish Chemists in Molecular Chip Breakthrough
From ACM TechNews

Danish Chemists in Molecular Chip Breakthrough

Researchers have created a graphene-based transistor made from just one molecular monolayer that can work on a computer chip. 

Beyond Silicon: Transistors Without Semiconductors
From ACM TechNews

Beyond Silicon: Transistors Without Semiconductors

Although electronic devices continue to shrink, transistors based on semiconductors can only get so small. 

­nderwater Drones Are Multiplying Fast
From ACM News

­nderwater Drones Are Multiplying Fast

The next army of unmanned drones are scurrying beneath the ocean's surface.

Tech Stars Get the Superhero Treatment
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Tech Stars Get the Superhero Treatment

A new line of comic books tells the life stories of Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and other leaders in high technology.

Medicine That Monitors You
From ACM News

Medicine That Monitors You

They look like normal pills, oblong and a little smaller than a daily vitamin.

Keeping Computers Cool From the Inside
From Communications of the ACM

Keeping Computers Cool From the Inside

New techniques could cut the power required to avoid overheating.

All the Items Fit to Print
From Communications of the ACM

All the Items Fit to Print

3-D printing has come of age. It promises to revolutionize a wide range of industries and profoundly change the way people buy and consume.

Backing Creativity
From Communications of the ACM

Backing Creativity

Hacker spaces are spreading around the world, though some government funding is raising questions.

Google Street View Maps First Skyscraper, Dubai's Burj-Khalifa
From ACM News

Google Street View Maps First Skyscraper, Dubai's Burj-Khalifa

For years, the Google Street View team has captured the world's most interesting places and put the 360-degree imagery on Google Maps for the world to experience...

The Most Amazing Map You'll See Today (no Matter What Day It Is)
From ACM News

The Most Amazing Map You'll See Today (no Matter What Day It Is)

There are many way to celebrate your 70th birthday.

A New Method that Is 700 Times Faster Than the Norm Is Developed to Magnify Digital Images
From ACM TechNews

A New Method that Is 700 Times Faster Than the Norm Is Developed to Magnify Digital Images

Researchers have developed an algorithm that can magnify images 700 times faster than conventional methods. 

Graphical Tools Help Security Experts Track Cyberattacks in Real Time
From ACM TechNews

Graphical Tools Help Security Experts Track Cyberattacks in Real Time

New graphical tools offer significant improvements to security experts in their efforts to detect and prevent incidents. 

Cheap, Color, Holographic Video
From ACM TechNews

Cheap, Color, Holographic Video

A new way to create holograms could significantly lower the cost of color holographic-video displays and boost conventional 2D display resolution. 

Linux Continues to Rule Supercomputers
From ACM TechNews

Linux Continues to Rule Supercomputers

Linux continues to dominate the list of the world's fastest supercomputers and there is no reason to think that will change anytime soon. 

Sandia Hosts Annual Robot Rodeo
From ACM TechNews

Sandia Hosts Annual Robot Rodeo

The Western National Robot Rodeo and Capability Exercise draws bomb squad teams to see who can most effectively use robots to defuse dangerous situations. 

Don Knuth and the Art of Computer Programming: The Interview
From ACM News

Don Knuth and the Art of Computer Programming: The Interview

Fifty years after starting the 'Art of Computer Programming,' Don Knuth is still working hard at the project.

Huge Holograms Offer Medics More Memorable Classes
From ACM News

Huge Holograms Offer Medics More Memorable Classes

A system which uses giant holograms to help medical students master their subject has been pioneered by two London-based junior doctors.
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