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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Quantum Invisibility Cloak Hides Objects from Reality
From ACM News

Quantum Invisibility Cloak Hides Objects from Reality

Invisibility cloaks are all the rage these days.

Graffiti Codes Let You Surf With a Wave of Your Phone
From ACM TechNews

Graffiti Codes Let You Surf With a Wave of Your Phone

Researchers want to enable people to create quick response (QR) codes on the spot, like graffiti. 

Study Suggests Second Life For Possible Spintronic Materials
From ACM TechNews

Study Suggests Second Life For Possible Spintronic Materials

Researchers have made two important changes that will allow them to combine manganese and gallium nitride, which could allow them to create spintronics. 

Graphene and Semiconductor Technology Together: Smaller, Cheaper, Better
From ACM TechNews

Graphene and Semiconductor Technology Together: Smaller, Cheaper, Better

Researchers are developing semiconductors grown on graphene, which is 200 times stronger than steel, conducts electricity 100 times faster than silicon, and is...

NIST Researchers Offer Tool to Aid Standards Development, Implementation
From ACM TechNews

NIST Researchers Offer Tool to Aid Standards Development, Implementation

Researchers at the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology are creating a computer-aided method for developing standards.

Supreme Court Says Human Genes Aren't Patentable
From ACM News

Supreme Court Says Human Genes Aren't Patentable

The Supreme Court unanimously ruled Thursday that human genes isolated from the body can't be patented, a victory for doctors and patients who argued that such...

1st Web Page Proves as Elusive as Mysteries of the Universe
From ACM TechNews

1st Web Page Proves as Elusive as Mysteries of the Universe

Scientists may never make a clear-cut discovery of the first Web page ever created because of the nature of how data is stored.

The Nsa Could Collect Far More Than Your Phone Records from Mobile Operators
From ACM News

The Nsa Could Collect Far More Than Your Phone Records from Mobile Operators

The revelation that the National Security Agency is collecting our phone records has generated considerable outrage, but phone call metadata is just the beginning...

­Using Robots to Treat Autism
From ACM News

­Using Robots to Treat Autism

Therapists and researchers are experimenting with robots to interact with children with autism; the technology, and the technique, could revolutionize the field...

How Thoughts Can Control a Flying Robot
From ACM News

How Thoughts Can Control a Flying Robot

It's a staple of science fiction: people who can control objects with their minds.

New Tasks Become As Simple As Waving a Hand with Brain-Computer Interfaces
From ACM News

New Tasks Become As Simple As Waving a Hand with Brain-Computer Interfaces

Small electrodes placed on or inside the brain allow patients to interact with computers or control robotic limbs simply by thinking about how to execute those...

Big Data Sleuthing, 1960s Style
From ACM News

Big Data Sleuthing, 1960s Style

America's intelligence agencies have long prodded the frontiers of computing and data analysis as the most demanding of customers, willing to pay whatever it takes...

'chinese Google' ­nveils Visual Search Engine Powered By Fake Brains
From ACM News

'chinese Google' ­nveils Visual Search Engine Powered By Fake Brains

Chinese search giant Baidu has served up its first ever visual search engine, which allows users to finally query the web using only images as input instead of...

How Social Media Is Changing Disaster Response
From ACM News

How Social Media Is Changing Disaster Response

When Hurricane Katrina ravaged the U.S. Gulf Coast in 2005, Facebook was the new kid on the block. There was no Twitter for news updates, and the iPhone was not...

Wearable Computing Pioneer Steve Mann: Who Watches the Watchmen?
From ACM TechNews

Wearable Computing Pioneer Steve Mann: Who Watches the Watchmen?

Steve Mann has been developing wearable technology for the past 30 years, adapting computers, screens, and optics into wearable devices.

Securing the Cloud
From ACM TechNews

Securing the Cloud

Researchers have created an encryption algorithm that could improve security for cloud computing technology. 

The Next Big Thing in Tech: Augmented Reality
From ACM TechNews

The Next Big Thing in Tech: Augmented Reality

Augmented reality technologies have been in development in university labs and small companies for almost 50 years.

How Wearable Tech Will Fuel the Internet of Things
From ACM TechNews

How Wearable Tech Will Fuel the Internet of Things

Wearable technologies are expected to play an integral role in the Internet of things. 

Laws of Physics Say Quantum Cryptography Is Unhackable. It’s Not
From ACM TechNews

Laws of Physics Say Quantum Cryptography Is Unhackable. It’s Not

Quantum cryptography can theoretically encrypt a message in a way that can't be hacked, but even quantum cryptography systems can fail. 

Spies Like ­s: How We All Helped Build Prism
From ACM Careers

Spies Like ­s: How We All Helped Build Prism

It used to be that the National Security Agency and its ilk had to pay through the nose for the latest in spying technology.
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