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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Video Games and Virtual Reality Proven Helpful as Pain Relievers
From ACM News

Video Games and Virtual Reality Proven Helpful as Pain Relievers

Children and adults with acute and chronic pain receive some analgesic benefit when they become immersed in video game action, and virtual reality is proving to...

From ACM News

New Way to Operate Mobile Electronics

A new technology based on the sensor found in many computer mice makes interacting with a MP3 player or mobile phone as easy as flicking, twisting or tapping the...

How Personal Genomics Could Change Health Care
From ACM News

How Personal Genomics Could Change Health Care

Several months after deciphering his genetic code last year, Stanford bioengineer Stephen Quake approached a cardiologist colleague. Early analysis of his DNA had...

Augmented-Reality Floor Tiling
From ACM News

Augmented-Reality Floor Tiling

Researchers at McGill University in Montreal, Canada have developed floor tiles that can simulate the look, sound and feel of snow, grass or pebbles underfoot....

Cash, Check or Charge? How About Cellphone?
From ACM News

Cash, Check or Charge? How About Cellphone?

You win a bet, but the loser does not have enough cash on him to settle it. If he has a credit card, and most people usually do, there is finally a solution. AeBay...

From ACM News

India It Spending to Rise 14 Percent in 2010, Gartner Says

Information technology spending in India will grow by 14 percent in 2010 to $67 billion on higher investments by retail and utility firms and government departments...

We Have Met the Enemy and He Is Powerpoint
From ACM News

We Have Met the Enemy and He Is Powerpoint

 Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, the leader of American and NATO forces in Afghanistan, was shown a PowerPoint slide in Kabul last summer that was meant to portray...

Inside NASA's World-Class Supercomputer Center
From ACM News

Inside NASA's World-Class Supercomputer Center

If you're a materials scientist at NASA's Glenn Research Center, or an engineer at the Johnson or Marshall Space Centers studying Space Shuttle flow-control valves...

Schrodinger's Cash: Minting Quantum Money
From ACM TechNews

Schrodinger's Cash: Minting Quantum Money

MIT researcher Scott Aaronson has brought quantum money a step closer to reality by outlining a computationally secure quantum money scheme founded on the type...

From ACM TechNews

EU Invests

The European Union is spearheading the European Commission's Future and Emerging Technologies program by proposing an investment of roughly €500 million in exploratory...

Math Software to Help Plan Astronaut, Shift Worker Schedules
From ACM TechNews

Math Software to Help Plan Astronaut, Shift Worker Schedules

National Space Biomedical Research Institute researchers have developed software that uses mathematical models to help astronauts and ground support workers adjust...

Modeling the Astronomical
From Communications of the ACM

Modeling the Astronomical

Advances in computer technology have changed the way astronomers see and study the universe.

Companies Slowly Join Cloud-Computing
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Companies Slowly Join Cloud-Computing

This year, Netflix made what looked like a peculiar choice: the DVD-by-mail company decided that over the next two years, it would move most of its Web technology...

From ACM News

Columbia ­niversity Licenses Strand Simulation Technology

Columbia University has licensed to Adobe Systems a computer-generated imagery and graphic design technology that can simulate the natural movement and flexibility...

From ACM News

Pentagon Turns to 'softer' Sciences

By highlighting the limits of traditional military technology, the drawn-out conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan have spurred the U.S. defense department to shake...

New Computer Interface Goes Beyond Just Touch
From ACM TechNews

New Computer Interface Goes Beyond Just Touch

Microsoft researchers have developed Manual Deskterity, a computer interface that combines touch input with the precision of a pen. 

From ACM News

Computer-Driven High Speed Trading Improves Market Liquidity

Responding to concerns about an increasingly electronic stock exchange, Terrence Hendershott studied algorithmic trading and found that computer-driven trading...

Touch Floors Could Be Next Step in Computer Interfaces
From ACM News

Touch Floors Could Be Next Step in Computer Interfaces

Imagine entering your living room and sliding your foot purposefully over a particular stretch of floor. Your hi-fi system springs to life, pumping out the sounds...

Rfid Pilot Study Examines Improvement of Inventory Accuracy at Jcpenney
From ACM News

Rfid Pilot Study Examines Improvement of Inventory Accuracy at Jcpenney

New findings out of the RFID Research Center at the University of Arkansas confirm that radio-frequency identification tags on individual retail items can significantly...

Automobile Control Research Opens Door to New Safety Features
From ACM TechNews

Automobile Control Research Opens Door to New Safety Features

North Carolina State University researchers have developed a computer vision program and plan to use it to drive a car.
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