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Quantum Teleportation Is Even Weirder Than You ThinkĀ 
From ACM Opinion

Quantum Teleportation Is Even Weirder Than You ThinkĀ 

A BBC headline last week, 'First object teleported to Earth's orbit', has to be one of the most fantastical you'll see this year. For once, it seems the future...

How China Tames Dissent on the Internet
From ACM Opinion

How China Tames Dissent on the Internet

Chinese government leaders, subtle masters of propaganda, seem to have discovered a Sun Tzu formula for taming dissent on the Internet: The best strategy may not...

Is Anyone Home? A Way to Find Out If AI Has Become Self-Aware
From ACM Opinion

Is Anyone Home? A Way to Find Out If AI Has Become Self-Aware

Every moment of your waking life and whenever you dream, you have the distinct inner feeling of being "you."

Spreading Fake News Becomes Standard Practice For Governments Across the World
From ACM Opinion

Spreading Fake News Becomes Standard Practice For Governments Across the World

Campaigns to manipulate public opinion through false or misleading social media postings have become standard political practice across much of the world, with...

The Russians Will Be Back. Will We Be Ready?
From ACM Opinion

The Russians Will Be Back. Will We Be Ready?

In recent days, our nation's response to the continued threat of foreign meddling in American elections has taken something of a surprising turn.

Please Prove You're Not a Robot
From ACM Opinion

Please Prove You're Not a Robot

When science fiction writers first imagined robot invasions, the idea was that bots would become smart and powerful enough to take over the world by force, whether...

Information Technology: A Digital Genius at Play
From ACM Opinion

Information Technology: A Digital Genius at Play

The US mathematician and electrical engineer Claude Shannon, whose life spanned the tumultuous, technologically explosive twentieth century, is often called the...

Why Robots Won't Steal All Our Jobs
From ACM Opinion

Why Robots Won't Steal All Our Jobs

Don't worry. The robots won't destroy all our jobs. History suggests just the opposite—that new technologies inspire new jobs.

Donald Trump's 'impenetrable Cybersecurity' Is Pure Fantasy
From ACM Opinion

Donald Trump's 'impenetrable Cybersecurity' Is Pure Fantasy

Nothing connected to the internet is safe from hackers. And I mean nothing.

Could a Robot Be President?
From ACM Opinion

Could a Robot Be President?

President Donald Trump reportedly spends his nights alone in the White House, watching TV news and yelling at the screen.

Who Do We Think We Are?
From ACM Opinion

Who Do We Think We Are?

"Death, be not proud, though some have called thee; Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so; For those whom thou think'st thou dost overthrow; Die not, poor Death...

AI Will Make Forging Anything Entirely Too Easy
From ACM Opinion

AI Will Make Forging Anything Entirely Too Easy

"Lordy, I hope there are tapes," said an exasperated James Comey in his testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee on June 8. Comey's desire reflects a...

A Reality Check For Ibm's AI Ambitions
From ACM Opinion

A Reality Check For Ibm's AI Ambitions

Paul Tang was with his wife in the hospital just after her knee replacement surgery, a procedure performed on about 700,000 people in the U.S. every year.

Image Doctoring Must Be Halted
From ACM Opinion

Image Doctoring Must Be Halted

Seven years ago, a cover of The Economist showed Barack Obama, head down on a Louisiana beach in front of an oil rig—the picture of lonely despair.

It's Too Late to Stop China from Becoming an AI Superpower
From ACM Opinion

It's Too Late to Stop China from Becoming an AI Superpower

Last Thursday, Texas senior senator John Cornyn stood before an audience of wonks at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington, DC, and warned that America's...

For Google, Everything Is a Popularity Contest
From ACM Opinion

For Google, Everything Is a Popularity Contest

When I saw that Google had introduced a "Classic Papers" section of Google Scholar, its search tool for academic journals, I couldn't help but stroke my chin professorially...

AI Could Kickstart a New Global Arms Race; We Need Better Ways to Govern It Before It's Too Late
From ACM Opinion

AI Could Kickstart a New Global Arms Race; We Need Better Ways to Govern It Before It's Too Late

There is a lot of money to be made from Artificial Intelligence.

The Iphone's Turning 10. What Will It Look Like at 20?
From ACM Opinion

The Iphone's Turning 10. What Will It Look Like at 20?

You wake up refreshed. Ever since you got that alarm clock that adapts to your sleep cycle, your calendar, and the traffic report, you practically leap out of bed...

Unknowns of the Gig-Economy
From Communications of the ACM

Unknowns of the Gig-Economy

Seeking multidisciplinary research into the rapidly evolving gig-economy.

The Beginner's Creed
From Communications of the ACM

The Beginner's Creed

We all need to learn to be expert beginners.
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