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Fonts of Inspiration
From ACM Opinion

Fonts of Inspiration

When did we all become amateur typography experts?

Make Guns Smart
From ACM Opinion

Make Guns Smart

Voices across the political spectrum are debating how to prevent mass shootings such as the one in Newtown, Connecticut.

It's All About the Genes and the Brain Machines
From ACM News

It's All About the Genes and the Brain Machines

The amount of time and money needed to sequence genomes continued to fall in 2012, perhaps to no one’s surprise.

How to Design a Better World
From ACM Opinion

How to Design a Better World

When I was young, my teachers praised me for being good at math and art, but my father would always tell people, "You know, John is good at math."

Move Over Halo: Beautiful, Provocative Indie Games Step Into the Spotlight
From ACM Careers

Move Over Halo: Beautiful, Provocative Indie Games Step Into the Spotlight

If you play video games, then you've probably heard a lot about games like "Halo 4" and "Assassin's Creed III" and "Bordelands 2."

Better Than Human: Why Robots Will—and Must—take Our Jobs
From ACM Opinion

Better Than Human: Why Robots Will—and Must—take Our Jobs

It's hard to believe you'd have an economy at all if you gave pink slips to more than half the labor force.

The Future of Medicine Is Now
From ACM Opinion

The Future of Medicine Is Now

In our era of instant gratification, the world of medicine seems like an outlier.

The Legacy of Next Lives On in Os X
From ACM Opinion

The Legacy of Next Lives On in Os X

In the 1990s, Apple struggled to bring the original Mac OS—originally written in 1984 for the resource-constrained Macintosh 128K machine—up to modern operating...

The Father of Fractals
From ACM Opinion

The Father of Fractals

In nature,technology and art the most common form of regularity is repetition: a single element repeated many times, as on a tile floor. But another form is possible...

From ACM Opinion

2012: What We Learned

There's a natural inclination for people at the end of each year to look back, take stock and try to draw some grand meaning or life lessons out of the events of...

10 Raspberry Pi Creations That Show How Amazing the Tiny Pc Can Be
From ACM Opinion

10 Raspberry Pi Creations That Show How Amazing the Tiny Pc Can Be

The Raspberry Pi, the $35 credit card-size computer, has lived an interesting life despite being less than a year old.

2013: Talk Gets Cheaper, Tv Gets Smarter
From ACM Opinion

2013: Talk Gets Cheaper, Tv Gets Smarter

Personal technology never stops changing.

Marking the Birth of the Modern-Day Internet
From ACM Opinion

Marking the Birth of the Modern-Day Internet

A long time ago, my colleagues and I became part of a great adventure, teamed with a small band of scientists and technologists in the U.S. and elsewhere.

How To Charge Your Laptop
From ACM Opinion

How To Charge Your Laptop

Whether they're in our computers, cell phones, or cars, the only time we think about batteries is when they're almost dead and we need to find some place to charge...

How Big Data Can Solve America's Gun Problem
From ACM Opinion

How Big Data Can Solve America's Gun Problem

Big data might have stopped the massacres in Newtown, Aurora, and Oak Creek.

Five Developments That Could Rewire Your World
From ACM Opinion

Five Developments That Could Rewire Your World

Google is good at doing amazing.

Looking Back: The Five Most Important Security Stories of 2012
From ACM Opinion

Looking Back: The Five Most Important Security Stories of 2012

The dance among blackhat, whitehat, and grayhat hackers grew ever more intricate in 2012, thanks to a steady stream of exploits, vulnerability discoveries, and...

Ford Engineers Have 3D Printers on Their Desks. When Will You Get One?
From ACM Opinion

Ford Engineers Have 3D Printers on Their Desks. When Will You Get One?

Ford has caught the DIY revolution and now puts 3D printers at workstations for its engineers.

Social Media: Five Predictions For 2013
From ACM Opinion

Social Media: Five Predictions For 2013

When you think of social media these days, you probably think primarily of Facebook and Twitter, and perhaps Instagram. But while those services have massive—and...

Why China's Homemade Microchips Will Struggle to Displace Western Giants
From ACM Opinion

Why China's Homemade Microchips Will Struggle to Displace Western Giants

If China's ultimate aim in the sphere of technology is to become completely self-sufficient, it is well on the way to achieving this ambitious goal.
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