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Is ­.s. Government Reading Email Without a Warrant?
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Is ­.s. Government Reading Email Without a Warrant?

Does the U.S. government read your email? It's a simple question, but apparently there's no simple answer. And the Justice Department and the Internal Revenue Service...

Google Glass Team: 'wearable Computing Will Be the Norm'
From ACM Opinion

Google Glass Team: 'wearable Computing Will Be the Norm'

Even though I followed Google's I/O Conference from across the country, the event made it obvious that a company created with a strict focus on search has become...

Would Apple Iglass Be Better Than Google's Glasses?
From ACM Opinion

Would Apple Iglass Be Better Than Google's Glasses?

Apple just got awarded a new patent that may become the wearable version of the iPad one day: eyeglasses that would display apps, video, images, and overlay information...

From ACM Opinion

Are Guidelines Issued By Drone Industry an Attempt to Avoid Government Regulation?

The growing use of drones in the United States is facing firm opposition from civil liberties groups and some legislators, like Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., and Rep. ...

Battle Plan: Apple vs. Microsoft vs. Google
From ACM Opinion

Battle Plan: Apple vs. Microsoft vs. Google

In the past few weeks, the tech industry's biggest players have shown off their newest software and hardware, all aiming to make big moves before the end of the...

­gly Buttons
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­gly Buttons

I can't figure out how to watch my brother's TV. He's explained it to me a hundred times, but that's the curse of the baby-sitting uncle: It's harder to work a...

From ACM Opinion

'lightweight' Drm Isn't the Answer

The world doesn't need another DRM platform, regardless of whether it's called "lightweight." DRM is annoying for customers and provides a false sense of security...

Think Smartphones Are ­biquitous Now? Just Wait a Few Years
From ACM Opinion

Think Smartphones Are ­biquitous Now? Just Wait a Few Years

Five years after the first iPhone went on sale, the sales of smartphones—loosely defined as phones that can run third-party "apps," and access the Internet directly—now...

You Will Want Google Goggles
From ACM Opinion

You Will Want Google Goggles

At first glance, Thad Starner does not look out of place at Google. A pioneering researcher in the field of wearable computing, Starner is a big, charming man with...

The Man Who Keeps Facebook Humming
From ACM Opinion

The Man Who Keeps Facebook Humming

Jay Parikh is happy to never get a call from Mark Zuckerberg. Why? It means he's doing his job well. As the vice president of infrastructure engineering at Facebook...

A Weapon We Can't Control
From ACM Opinion

A Weapon We Can't Control

The decision by the United States and Israel to develop and then deploy the Stuxnet computer worm against an Iranian nuclear facility late in George W. Bush's presidency...

From ACM Opinion

Microsoft Is the Most Exciting Company in Tech, Hands Down

I never thought I'd ever hear myself utter such words post-1995. But after the reveal of the Surface tablet—complete with an ultra-thin, pressure-sensitive keyboard...

The First Five Years of the Iphone Obsession
From ACM Opinion

The First Five Years of the Iphone Obsession

The big question: Is the iPhone a "bicycle for the mind," as the late Steve Jobs said about the first Mac, or a crutch that does too much of our thinking for us...

Free Speech For Computers?
From ACM Opinion

Free Speech For Computers?

Do machines speak? If so, do they have a constitutional right to free speech?

Microsoft's Research Boss Celebrates Legacy of Alan Turing
From ACM Opinion

Microsoft's Research Boss Celebrates Legacy of Alan Turing

What does Alan Turing mean to Microsoft and the rest of the modern tech world? Rick Rashid can tell you.

How Garmin Failed to See the Iphone Threat
From ACM Opinion

How Garmin Failed to See the Iphone Threat

About nine years ago, I had a question for Min Kao, the CEO of the GPS concern Garmin. His answer was determined, and I thought of it as I watched the news from...

The Measured Man
From ACM Opinion

The Measured Man

Like many people who are careful about their weight, Larry Smarr once spent two weeks measuring everything he put in his mouth. He charted each serving of food...

Why Faces Matter to Facebook
From ACM Opinion

Why Faces Matter to Facebook

Facebook really wants to know what you look like.

Why Microsoft's Surface Tablet Shames the Pc Industry
From ACM Opinion

Why Microsoft's Surface Tablet Shames the Pc Industry

On June 18, Microsoft beckoned 200 or so members of the media to a grimy, industrial part of Hollywood for what it described as a can’t-miss affair.

The Highly Productive Habits of Alan Turing
From ACM News

The Highly Productive Habits of Alan Turing

June 23 marks the 100th birthday of Alan Turing. If I had to name five people whose personal efforts led to the defeat of Nazi Germany, the English mathematician...
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