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Q&a: The Ethics of ­sing Brain Implants to ­pgrade Yourself
From ACM Opinion

Q&a: The Ethics of ­sing Brain Implants to ­pgrade Yourself

Neurotechnology is one of the hottest areas of engineering, and the technological achievements sound miraculous: Paralyzed people have controlled robotic limbs and ...

Andy Weir: By the Book
From ACM Opinion

Andy Weir: By the Book

The author of "The Martian" and, most recently, "Artemis" has never read Frank Herbert's "Dune": "Yes, I know. I'm the worst sci-fi fan in the universe."

How Driverless Cars Will Change the Feel of Cities
From ACM Opinion

How Driverless Cars Will Change the Feel of Cities

It's 6 p.m. in Tempe, Arizona and pitch-black outside. I'm standing in the middle of a five-lane thoroughfare, among a group of people too numerous for the narrow...

Tim Berners-Lee on the Future of the Web: 'the System Is Failing'
From ACM Opinion

Tim Berners-Lee on the Future of the Web: 'the System Is Failing'

Sir Tim Berners-Lee's optimism about the future of the web is starting to wane in the face of a "nasty storm" of issues including the rollback of net neutrality...

The Real Lesson of that Self-Driving Shuttle's First-Day Accident
From ACM Opinion

The Real Lesson of that Self-Driving Shuttle's First-Day Accident

Wednesday was supposed to be the triumphant launch of a free, driverless shuttle in downtown Las Vegas.

Blockchain ≠ Bitcoin
From ACM Opinion

Blockchain ≠ Bitcoin

Bitcoin ≠ blockchain. Blockchain ≠ bitcoin. This message bears repeating: You can be pro-blockchain and anti-bitcoin.

Confirm or Deny: Jaron Lanier
From ACM Opinion

Confirm or Deny: Jaron Lanier

Maureen Dowd: You often get confused for the lead singer of Korn. Jaron Lanier: No, never. I'm often confused with Arnold Schwarzenegger. I'm kidding.

What Reality Tv Teaches ­S About Russia's Influence Campaign
From ACM Opinion

What Reality Tv Teaches ­S About Russia's Influence Campaign

In May 2016, a Facebook page called Heart of Texas urged its nearly 254,000 followers to rise up against what it considered to be an urgent cultural menace.

Ditch All Those Other Messaging Apps: Here's Why You Should ­se Signal
From ACM Opinion

Ditch All Those Other Messaging Apps: Here's Why You Should ­se Signal

Stop me if you've heard this before.

Hacking the Vote: Threats Keep Changing, but Election It Sadly Stays the Same
From ACM Opinion

Hacking the Vote: Threats Keep Changing, but Election It Sadly Stays the Same

The outcome of the 2016 presidential election is history. But allegations of voter fraud, election interference by foreign governments, and intrusions into state...

Should Children Form Emotional Bonds with Robots?
From ACM Opinion

Should Children Form Emotional Bonds with Robots?

When i brought the robot home from the Apple Store, I knew I was inviting a new kind of strangeness into our lives.

Is Technology About to Decimate White-Collar Work?
From ACM Careers

Is Technology About to Decimate White-Collar Work?

Kai-Fu Lee, one of China's best-known technologists and investors, thinks artificial intelligence is about to supplant many millions of the country's office workers...

Do We Need Brain Implants to Keep ­p with Robots?
From ACM Opinion

Do We Need Brain Implants to Keep ­p with Robots?

Pundits have been fretting a lot lately about robots leaving humans behind, taking our jobs and possibly a lot more, as in The Matrix and Terminator films.

Net States Rule the World; We Need to Recognize Their Power
From ACM Opinion

Net States Rule the World; We Need to Recognize Their Power

"We reject: kings, presidents, and voting. We believe in: rough consensus and running code." So declared MIT professor David D. Clark in 1992.

Machines Moved By Mind
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Machines Moved By Mind

At Mental Work, an exhibition at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne ArtLab (EPFL), visitors can drive simple machines using the force of their own...

Real Security Requires Strong Encryption–even If Investigators Get Blocked
From ACM Opinion

Real Security Requires Strong Encryption–even If Investigators Get Blocked

The FBI and the U.S. Department of Justice have been fighting against easy, widespread public access to encryption technologies for 25 years.

Workers Displaced By Automation Should Try a New Job: Caregiver
From ACM Opinion

Workers Displaced By Automation Should Try a New Job: Caregiver

Sooner or later, the US will face mounting job losses due to advances in automation, artificial intelligence, and robotics.

Why Facebook and Twitter Can't Be Trusted to Police Themselves
From ACM Opinion

Why Facebook and Twitter Can't Be Trusted to Police Themselves

Google, Facebook and Twitter took a beating on Wednesday testifying in front of the Senate and House Intelligence Committees about their role enabling Russia's...

The Physics of Time Travel Isn't Just the Stuff of Science Fiction
From ACM Opinion

The Physics of Time Travel Isn't Just the Stuff of Science Fiction

We're all time travelers nowadays. We project ourselves mentally into the misty past and the risky future.

Learning to Spot Fake News: Start with a Gut Check
From ACM Opinion

Learning to Spot Fake News: Start with a Gut Check

Which of these statements seems more trustworthy to you?
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