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The Mooc Racket
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The Mooc Racket

The word mooc sounds a bit like slang from Goodfellas or the affectionate shortening of the already-affectionate name of a former outfielder for the New York Mets...

The Immigrant Brain Drain: How America Is Losing Its High-Tech Talent
From ACM Opinion

The Immigrant Brain Drain: How America Is Losing Its High-Tech Talent

Vivek Wadhwa of Duke University questions the claim that competition from high-tech guest workers in the United States is keeping domestic workers' wages low...

The Youtube Tutor
From ACM Opinion

The Youtube Tutor

In 2006 Salman Khan logged on to YouTube and uploaded a handful of videos he had made to help his cousins with their homework. Today six million students visit...

To Develop Tomorrow's Engineers, Start Before They Can Tie Their Shoes
From ACM Opinion

To Develop Tomorrow's Engineers, Start Before They Can Tie Their Shoes

Think "student engineers" and you probably have visions of high school or college students.

Money Models For MOOCs
From Communications of the ACM

Money Models For MOOCs

Considering new business models for massive open online courses.

Ultra-Low-Cost Computing and Developing Countries
From Communications of the ACM

Ultra-Low-Cost Computing and Developing Countries

Raspberry Pi and its potential in the "global South."

The Air Gap
From Communications of the ACM

The Air Gap: SCADA's Enduring Security Myth

Attempting to use isolation as a security strategy for critical systems is unrealistic in an increasingly connected world.

Cherry-Picking and the Scientific Method
From Communications of the ACM

Cherry-Picking and the Scientific Method

Software is supposed be a part of computer science, and science demands proof.

Success in Introductory Programming
From Communications of the ACM

Success in Introductory Programming: What Works?

How pair programming, peer instruction, and media computation have improved computer science education.

Overt Censorship
From Communications of the ACM

Overt Censorship: A Fatal Mistake?

Censorship of information often has the opposite effect by drawing attention to the censored material.

E-Book Vs. P-Book
From ACM Opinion

E-Book Vs. P-Book

When Barnes & Noble announced, a couple of weeks ago, that its Nook division lost almost five hundred million dollars last year and that its C.E.O. was resigning...

Sebastian Thrun on the Future of Learning
From ACM Opinion

Sebastian Thrun on the Future of Learning

Sebastian Thrun has worn many hats in the tech world: Stanford research professor, founder of Google's X Labs, where he oversaw the development of self-drivingUdacity...

Hugh Herr and the Liberating Age of Bionics
From ACM Opinion

Hugh Herr and the Liberating Age of Bionics

"It's extraordinary that we live in this day and age with all our wonderful modern technology, and still we have shoes that give us blisters," says Hugh Herr, with...

Censoring the News Before It Happens
From ACM Opinion

Censoring the News Before It Happens

Every day in China, hundreds of messages are sent from government offices to website editors around the country that say things like, "Report on the new provincial...

Free Online MIT Courses Are An Education Revolution
From ACM Opinion

Free Online MIT Courses Are An Education Revolution

Online learning is the biggest shake-up of education since the advent of the printing press, says Anant Agarwal, an MIT computing specialist.

In Head-Hunting, Big Data May Not Be Such a Big Deal
From ACM Careers

In Head-Hunting, Big Data May Not Be Such a Big Deal

Q. How is Big Data being used more in the leadership and management field? 

From ACM Opinion

Lost (and Gained) in Translation

The international movement of scientists and the internationalization of science rank among the most striking trends in today's scientific world.

'maker Movement' Taps Deep and Rich Tradition
From ACM Opinion

'maker Movement' Taps Deep and Rich Tradition

Sometimes I worry we're becoming a culture of technology consumers, instead of creators.

Could Artificial Intelligence Create an Unemployment Crisis?
From Communications of the ACM

Could Artificial Intelligence Create an Unemployment Crisis?

Advances in artificial intelligence and robotics will have significant implications for evolving economic systems.

Toward Culturally Responsive Computing Education
From Communications of the ACM

Toward Culturally Responsive Computing Education

Improving academic success and social development by merging computational thinking with cultural practices.
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