Our bloggers discuss relevant computing topics and encourage comments about their posts.
Joel C. Adams Professor, Calvin University Parallel and Distributed Computing, Object-Oriented Programming
John Arquilla Distinquished Professor of Defense Analysis, U.S. Naval Postgraduate School. Cybersecurity, Cyberwar
Saurabh Bagchi Professor, Purdue University Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Science
Valerie Barr
Margaret Hamilton Distinguished Professor of Computer Science and Director of the Bard Network Computing Initiative, Bard College
Software Testing, Education
Herbert Bruderer Retired lecturer, ETH Zürich Didactics of Computer Science, History of Technology
Elizabeth F. Churchill Director of User Experience, Google Human-Computer Interaction
Philip Guo Associate Professor
University of California, San Diego Human-Computer Interaction, Educational Technology, Software Engineering
Mark Guzdial Professor, Computer Science & Engineering Division, Engineering Education Research program,
University of Michigan Education
Orit Hazzan
Professor, Department of Education in Science and Technology, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology Computer Science, Software Engineering, Data Science Education
Robin K. Hill Adjunct Professor, University of Wyoming Philosophy of Computer Science
Jason Hong Professor, Human Computer Interaction Institute, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University Mobile Computing, Privacy and Security
Kate Matsudaira Founder, CEO, popforms Software Engineering, Technical Leadership
Doug Meil
Software Architect, healthcare
Software Development
Bertrand Meyer Professor and Provost, Schaffhausen Institute of Technology; Visiting Professor, Innopolis University; Chief Technology Officer, Eiffel Software
Software Engineering
Daniel A. Reed Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, University of Utah High-Performance Computing
Judy Robertson Professor of Digital Learning, University of Edinburgh Computer Science Education, Data Science Education, Human-Computer Interaction, Women in Computer Science
Jeremy Roschelle Executive Director, Learning Sciences Research, Digital Promise Fellow, International Society of the Learning Sciences
Walid Saba Principal AI Scientist, Neva.ai. Natural Language Understanding
Michael Stonebraker Adjunct Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Databases
Edwin Torres Adjunct Professor, Monmouth University Software Engineering, Systems Engineering
These blogs reflect the geographic and intellectual scope of the computing world. Blog entries and related discussions are off-site.
ACM's Public Policy Office in Washington, DC, covers a wide range of issues to inform the computing community and the public about technology policy.
danah boyd writes about youth culture, social network sites, social media, and other matters of interest.
Ubiquity Magazine's BLOG@UBIQUITY is where industry experts post their reflections and reactions to the computing world emerging all around us. The blog explores the new spaces of emerging possibilities and speculates on how those spaces might be influenced by computing technology, policies, and practices.
Lance Fortnow and Bill Gasarch write about theoretical computer science and the academic world.
The Computing Community Consortium is a leading source for provocative opinions about the future of computing research, and for news on the CCC's activities.
Postings from faculty and staff at the Purdue University Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security.
Microsoft Academic Relations Manager Alfred Thompson writes about teaching computer science at the K-12 level.
Stories of the Computer Science Teacher's Association.
This academic blog by Daniel Lemire, a researcher in data warehousing, features critical discussions on research in computer science.
Franz Dill explores the application of new information technologies in retail, marketing, analytics, knowledge delivery, sensory delivery, systems modeling and elsewhere.
Richard J. Lipton, a professor of computer science at Georgia Tech, and Ken Regan, a professor of computer science at the University of Buffalo (SUNY), write about the theory of computation.
The Next Generation Internet is a European Commission initiative that aims to shape the development and evolution of the Internet into an Internet of Humans.
A professor of computer science at Harvard University, Michael Mitzenmacher writes about algorithms, networking, and information theory.
Software engineer Daniel Tunkelang covers information access and retrieval, social networks, decision theory, and more.

Internet news, software news, telecommunications, semiconductors, Computer Science.
Mark Vanderbeeken's blog posts daily news about what’s happening worldwide in the field of experience design and people-centered innovation.
Bruce Schneier is Chief of Security Architecture at Inrupt Inc. His blog covers security and security technology.
Universal Acceptance is the concept that all domain names should be treated equally. The Universal Acceptance Steering Group is a community-based team working to help software developers and website owners understand how to update their systems to keep pace with an evolving domain name system.
Yevgeniy Brikman's blog about software engineering, fitness, travel, and everything else.
Crossroads is the ACM magazine for students. Crossroads aims to provide readers with material that will stimulate, inform, and educate students of computing.
Recognized worldwide as one of the leading experts in artificial intelligence, Yoshua Bengio is most known for his pioneering work in deep learning, earning him the 2018 A.M. Turing Award, “the Nobel Prize of Computing,” with Geoffrey Hinton and Yann LeCun.