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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

DEPARTMENT: Departments

Computing, You Have Blood on Your Hands!

How did the technology that we considered "cool" just a decade ago become an assault weapon used to hurt, traumatize, and even kill vulnerable people?
DEPARTMENT: Career Paths in Computing

From Eye Tracking to AI-Powered Learning

My journey through the intertwining worlds of computing and manufacturing began, unexpectedly, in the halls of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Protecting Life-Saving Medical Devices from Cyberattack

Alex Vakulov ponders how to protect the Internet of Medical Things.

Epigenomics Now

Computer power helps biologists track the regulation of genetic information.

Why Are Lawyers Afraid of AI?

Generative artificial intelligence and the law: there is no turning back.

Wayfinding Without GPS

Quantum entanglement provides a new direction in navigation.
DEPARTMENT: ACM Publications Finances

ACM Publications Finances for 2022

Achieving a balance between mission, sustainability, and growth is without question ACM's greatest challenge as we transition to a fully Open Access model over the next few years.
COLUMN: Opinion

Data Bias Management

Envisioning a unique approach toward bias and fairness research.
COLUMN: Technology Strategy and Management

NVIDIA at the Center of the Generative AI Ecosystem – For Now

Assessing the ascent of NVIDIA.
COLUMN: Law and Technology

Beyond the Editorial Analogy: The Future of the First Amendment on the Internet

Can the government regulate how social media companies moderate their platforms?
COLUMN: Security

The Perils of Leveraging Evil Digital Twins as Security-Enhancing Enablers

Seeking more secure and effective digital representations.
COLUMN: Opinion

Toward a Solid Acceptance of the Decentralized Web of Personal Data: Societal and Technological Convergence

Giving individuals more control of their personal data.

Rebuttal How-To: Strategies, Tactics, and the Big Picture in Research

Demystifying rebuttal writing.

Achievement in Microarchitecture

David Papworth, a 30-year veteran of Intel, on what led to the P6 microprocessor and how that changed the microarchitectural paradigm.
SECTION: Practice

Confidential Computing: Elevating Cloud Security and Privacy

Working toward a more secure and innovative future.

Hardware VM Isolation in the Cloud

Enabling confidential computing with AMD SEV-SNP technology.

Creating the First Confidential GPUs

The team at NVIDIA brings confidentiality and integrity to user code and data for accelerated computing.

Why Should I Trust Your Code?

Confidential computing enables users to authenticate code running in TEEs, but users also need evidence this code is trustworthy.
SECTION: Research

10 Things Software Developers Should Learn about Learning

Understanding how human memory and learning works, the differences between beginners and experts, and practical steps developers can take to improve their learning, training, and recruitment.

What Should We Do when Our Ideas of Fairness Conflict?

Standards for fair decision making could help us develop algorithms that comport with our consensus views; however, algorithmic fairness has its limits.

On Specifying for Trustworthiness

As autonomous systems increasingly become part of our lives, it is crucial to foster trust between humans and these systems, to ensure positive outcomes and mitigate harmful ones.

Shortcut Learning of Large Language Models in Natural Language Understanding

Shortcuts often hinder the robustness of large language models.
SECTION: Research Highlights

Technical Perspective: The User as a Key Ingredient in AAC Design

"Nonverbal Communication through Expressive Objects," by Stephanie Valencia et al., describes the design of a physical object to support communication and focuses on the active involvement of an expert Augmentative and Alternative …

Nonverbal Communication through Expressive Objects

In this work, we work closely with an Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) user to understand how motion through a physical expressive object can support their communication.
COLUMN: Last Byte

Seesaw Gold

Tilting for treasure.