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Communications of the ACM


Why Are Lawyers Afraid of AI?

screenshot of Casetext's CoCounsel AI legal assistant

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Andrew Perlman, Dean of the Suffolk University School of Law in Boston, is no stranger to examining innovative legal technology, but his recent experiment with generative artificial intelligence (AI)—Open AI's ChatGPT, to be precise—led him to think the technology may create bigger changes to the way law is practiced than the Internet itself.

Perlman published one of the legal community's first evaluations of ChatGPT's capabilities in creating convincing arguments and answers to typical questions, in "The Implications of ChatGPT For Legal Services and Society" (, a paper submitted to the Social Science Research Network (SSRN; It would be inaccurate to say Perlman wrote the paper entirely by himself, however; as he stated in its preface, most of its 24 pages were generated in about an hour through prompts to ChatGPT. Only the abstract, preface, outline headers, epilog, and the prompts for the platform were written by a person.


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