Evolution or revolution, it’s the persistent question. Can we build reliable esascale systems from extrapolations of current technology or will new approaches be...Daniel Reed From BLOG@CACM | April 11, 2009 at 07:51 PM
First part and introduction of an analysis to common problems faced by SE students in Latin America.
Carlos Brewer From BLOG@CACM | April 10, 2009 at 09:52 AM
So many processors on our desktops. Four cores, eight cores, soon we will see hundreds of cores. Almost all of them are going to be idle most of the time. If...Greg Linden From BLOG@CACM | April 9, 2009 at 12:48 PM
We rarely talk about computers as "Electronic Brains" or "Thinking Machines." That seems presumptuous or audacious today. Maybe that's exactly what we need to...Mark Guzdial From BLOG@CACM | March 29, 2009 at 10:38 AM
Short review of the results of the implementation of information technologies in latin american education
Carlos Brewer From BLOG@CACM | March 28, 2009 at 11:25 AM
Someone may win the one million dollar Netflix Prize soon. Will the winning algorithm produce movie recommendations that people like?Greg Linden From BLOG@CACM | March 24, 2009 at 12:05 PM
The wavicle nature of our social existence provides a lens for understanding social filtering and its successes. Still, this doesn't quite get us to truly effective...Ramana Rao From BLOG@CACM | March 22, 2009 at 06:27 PM
Why not teach introductory courses without programming? Here are three good reasons to use programming to introduce computing.Mark Guzdial From BLOG@CACM | March 19, 2009 at 02:11 PM
When I first started working in the area of personal privacy I had what I would call a conventional view on privacy, which is how to minimize the flow of information...Jason Hong From BLOG@CACM | March 18, 2009 at 10:23 AM
In 1959, the colorful and brilliant physicist, Richard Feynman, gave a seminal lecture to the American Physical Society entitled, "There's Plenty of Room at...Daniel Reed From BLOG@CACM | March 17, 2009 at 07:34 PM
Second part of Venezuela open source experience, this time a short talk about Canaima, the linux debian distro for public entities .Carlos Brewer From BLOG@CACM | March 13, 2009 at 10:42 AM
Quite a few scientists who deal with the processing and storage of large amounts of data are unhappy with relational DBMSs. Here are several reasons why—and a possible...Michael Stonebraker From BLOG@CACM | March 11, 2009 at 11:47 AM
It's been a while since several Latin countries decided to start programs to deliver computers and to connect all public schools to the Internet providing access...Carlos Brewer From BLOG@CACM | March 6, 2009 at 08:47 PM
I recently saw a Google Android phone at HotMobile 2009 and was intrigued by the drawing-based authentication mechanism built in. Basically, there's a 3x3 grid...Jason Hong From BLOG@CACM | March 5, 2009 at 02:43 PM
Three misconceptions about the field of human-computer interaction, as observed by an AI researcher turned HCI researcher in a large corporate research labTessa Lau From BLOG@CACM | March 4, 2009 at 12:00 AM
Every year there are surely some qualified candidates for ACM Fellow who are rejected because their nomination and endorsements do not make the case as effectively...Jim Horning From BLOG@CACM | February 19, 2009 at 04:03 AM
In this economic downturn, as everyone looks with a wary eye at discretionary spending, it is instructive to consider the role of computing technology and innovation...Daniel Reed From BLOG@CACM | February 18, 2009 at 02:54 PM
We are facing an increasing number of security failures, not because of problems with encryption algorithms, network protocols, or system implementations, but rather...Jason I. Hong From BLOG@CACM | February 13, 2009 at 02:43 PM