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Communications of the ACM



Becoming a Senior Member of ACM: My Journey and Why You Should Consider It Too
From ACM-W supporting, celebrating and advocating for Women in Computing

Becoming a Senior Member of ACM: My Journey and Why You Should Consider It Too

By Dr Adriana WildeAbout a year ago, I made a decision that turned out to be a very rewarding experience in my professional life: I applied to become a Senior Member...

Invisible Women in IT
From ACM-W supporting, celebrating and advocating for Women in Computing

Invisible Women in IT

By Ingrid Maria Christensen and Melissa Høegh Marcher The lack of IT specialists in Europe is a growing problem, with 63% of European hiring enterprises reporting...

A kaleidoscope of celebrations across the globe 
From ACM-W supporting, celebrating and advocating for Women in Computing

A kaleidoscope of celebrations across the globe 

In recent months, ACM Women across the globe have been celebrating women’s achievements in their respective regions: North America (ACMW-NA), Europe (ACM WE)  and...

Empowering women to return to computing: a game of snakes and ladders
From ACM-W supporting, celebrating and advocating for Women in Computing

Empowering women to return to computing: a game of snakes and ladders

This ACM Women post aims to be as celebratory for the women returning to the field of computing, as much as a reflection of the challenges that as a whole community...
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