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authorBruce Schneier

How Different Stakeholders Frame Security
From Schneier on Security

How Different Stakeholders Frame Security

Josephine Wolff examines different Internet governance stakeholders and how they frame security debates. Her conclusion: The tensions that arise around issues of...

DDoS Attacks against Dyn
From Schneier on Security

DDoS Attacks against Dyn

Yesterday's DDoS attacks against Dyn are being reported everywhere. I have received a gazillion press requests, but I am traveling in Australia and Asia and have...

Friday Squid Blogging: Which Squid Can I Eat?
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Which Squid Can I Eat?

Interesting article listing the squid species that can still be ethically eaten. The problem, of course, is that on a restaurant menu it's just labeled "squid."...

Privacy Makes Workers More Productive
From Schneier on Security

Privacy Makes Workers More Productive

Interesting research....

President Obama Talks About AI Risk, Cybersecurity, and More
From Schneier on Security

President Obama Talks About AI Risk, Cybersecurity, and More

Interesting interview: Obama: Traditionally, when we think about security and protecting ourselves, we think in terms of armor or walls. Increasingly, I find myself...

Bypassing Intel's ASLR
From Schneier on Security

Bypassing Intel's ASLR

Researchers discover a clever attack that bypasses the address space layout randomization (ALSR) on Intel's CPUs. Here's the paper. It discusses several possible...

Security Lessons from a Power Saw
From Schneier on Security

Security Lessons from a Power Saw

Lance Spitzner looks at the safety features of a power saw and tries to apply them to Internet security: By the way, here are some of the key safety features that...

Intelligence Oversight and How It Can Fail
From Schneier on Security

Intelligence Oversight and How It Can Fail

Former NSA attorneys John DeLong and Susan Hennessay have written a fascinating article describing a particular incident of oversight failure inside the NSA. Technically...

Virtual Kidnapping
From Schneier on Security

Virtual Kidnapping

This is a harrowing story of a scam artist that convinced a mother that her daughter had been kidnapped. More stories are here. It's unclear if these virtual kidnappers...

Friday Squid Blogging: Barramundi with Squid Ink Risotto
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Barramundi with Squid Ink Risotto

Squid ink risotto is a good accompaniment for any mild fish. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't...

Cybersecurity Issues for the Next Administration
From Schneier on Security

Cybersecurity Issues for the Next Administration

On today's Internet, too much power is concentrated in too few hands. In the early days of the Internet, individuals were empowered. Now governments and corporations...

The Psychology of Bad Password Habits
From Schneier on Security

The Psychology of Bad Password Habits

Interesting data and analysis....

Free Online Cybersecurity Economics Course
From Schneier on Security

Free Online Cybersecurity Economics Course

TU Delft is running a free online class in cybersecurity economics....

The Psychological Impact of Doing Classified Intelligence Work
From Schneier on Security

The Psychological Impact of Doing Classified Intelligence Work

Richard Thieme gave a talk on the psychological impact of doing classified intelligence work. Summary here...

Indiana's Voter Registration Data Is Frighteningly Insecure
From Schneier on Security

Indiana's Voter Registration Data Is Frighteningly Insecure

You can edit anyone's information you want: The question, boiled down, was haunting: Want to see how easy it would be to get into someone's voter registration and...

Murder Is a Relatively Recent Evolutionary Strategy
From Schneier on Security

Murder Is a Relatively Recent Evolutionary Strategy

Interesting research in Nature. The article is behind a paywall, but here are five summaries of the research....

Security Economics of the Internet of Things
From Schneier on Security

Security Economics of the Internet of Things

Brian Krebs is a popular reporter on the cybersecurity beat. He regularly exposes cybercriminals and their tactics, and consequently is regularly a target of their...

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Are Colorblind
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Are Colorblind

All cephalopods are colorblind. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered....

NSA Contractor Arrested for Stealing Classified Information
From Schneier on Security

NSA Contractor Arrested for Stealing Classified Information

The NSA has another contractor who stole classified documents. It's a weird story: "But more than a month later, the authorities cannot say with certainty whether...

Yahoo Scanned Everyone's E-mails for the NSA
From Schneier on Security

Yahoo Scanned Everyone's E-mails for the NSA

News here and here. Other companies have been quick to deny that they did the same thing, but I generally don't believe those carefully worded statements about...
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