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dateMore Than a Year Ago
authorDaniel Tunkelang

Enabling Exploratory Search with Dhiti
From The Noisy Channel

Enabling Exploratory Search with Dhiti

Last August, I wrote “Exploring Nuggetize“, in which I described an interface that

Two Changes
From The Noisy Channel

Two Changes

I just wanted to let regular readers know that I’ve made two changes to this blog. The first is that I’ve eliminated the use of categories on posts. I found that...

So You Like Big Data
From The Noisy Channel

So You Like Big Data

The increasing volume of data that we generate as a species is a story so overplayed as to have become trite. Indeed, a vast amount of this data is in the public...

Reflecting on 2010: Searching for Answers
From The Noisy Channel

Reflecting on 2010: Searching for Answers

Yes, it’s that time of year when we take a moment to reflect on the past year’s accomplishments and muse about what the next year will bring. Other than milder...

The Secret May Be To Keep Fewer Secrets
From The Noisy Channel

The Secret May Be To Keep Fewer Secrets

In light of the recent WikiLeaks saga and the various leaks that have plagued my former employer, I was musing the other day about whether leaks are inevitable...

CIKM 2011 Industry Event
From The Noisy Channel

CIKM 2011 Industry Event

CIKM 2011 is nearly a year away, but I wanted to give folks a heads up about the Industry Event there that I am organizing with Tony Russell-Rose. These events...

First Week
From The Noisy Channel

First Week

It’s hardly surprising, at least in retrospect, that location-based social networking company Foursquare was founded (twice!) in New York City. Where else (at least...

Follow The Data
From The Noisy Channel

Follow The Data

Today is my last day at Google. I have enjoyed an incredible year there, during which I’ve had the privilege to work with some of the smartest engineers on the...

Giving Thanks as an Information Scientist
From The Noisy Channel

Giving Thanks as an Information Scientist

As a first-generation American who is married to a card-carrying Native American, I celebrate Thanksgiving the traditional way: a day of gluttony followed by yummy...

An Information Cascade
From The Noisy Channel

An Information Cascade

I’ve been reading Networks, Crowds, and Markets, a great textbook by David Easley and Jon Kleinberg. I’m very grateful to Cambridge University Press for surprising...

The Element of Surprise
From The Noisy Channel

The Element of Surprise

Surprise is not a word that user interface designers typically like to hear. Indeed, the principle of least surprise (also called the principle of least astonishment)...

A Question of User Expectations
From The Noisy Channel

A Question of User Expectations

Ideally, a search engine would read the user’s mind. Shy of that, a search engine should provide the user with an efficient process for expressing an information...

Pluralistic Ignorance and Bayesian Truth Serum
From The Noisy Channel

Pluralistic Ignorance and Bayesian Truth Serum

Last week, I had the pleasure of talking with CMU professor George Loewenstein, one of the top researchers in the area of behavioral economics. I mentioned my idea...

LinkedIn Signal = Exploratory Search for Twitter
From The Noisy Channel

LinkedIn Signal = Exploratory Search for Twitter

I like Twitter. Yes, I know that a lot of its content is

An Open Letter to the USPTO
From The Noisy Channel

An Open Letter to the USPTO

Following the Supreme Court’s decision in Bilski v. Kappos, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) plans to release new guidance as to which patent...

Search at the Speed of Thought
From The Noisy Channel

Search at the Speed of Thought

A guiding principle in information technology has been to enable people to perform tasks at the “speed of thought”. The goal is not just to make people more efficient...

New Web Site for HCIR Workshop
From The Noisy Channel

New Web Site for HCIR Workshop

In 2007, I persuaded MIT graduate students Michael Bernstein and Robin Stewart (who was interning at

David Petrou Presents Google Goggles at NY Tech Meetup
From The Noisy Channel

David Petrou Presents Google Goggles at NY Tech Meetup

Image recognition is one of those problems that has presented long-standing challenges to computer scientists, despite being taken for granted by science fiction...

Slouching Toward Creepiness
From The Noisy Channel

Slouching Toward Creepiness

One of the perks of blogging is that publishers sometimes send me review copies of new books. I couldn’t help but be curious about a book entitled “The Man Who...

HCIR 2010: Bigger and Better than Ever!
From The Noisy Channel

HCIR 2010: Bigger and Better than Ever!

Last Sunday was HCIR 2010, the Fourth Annual Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval, held at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, collocated...
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