From Schneier on Security
Artificial intelligence (AI) has been billed as the next frontier of humanity: the newly available expanse whose exploration
B. Schneier| February 29, 2024
Interesting ideas Slides and recording now at link below:Talk by: Denis Vrdoljak & Gunnar Kleemann at Cisco & UC Berkeley“Graph Databases for Dynamic Recommender...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | May 11, 2018 at 12:14 PM
How to build analytic products in an age when data privacy has become criticalPrivacy-preserving analytics is not only possible, but with GDPR about to come online...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | May 11, 2018 at 08:17 AM
An interesting piece that deals with the process of working with large data streams. The particular solution experience is useful.By Alban Perillat-Merceroz in...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | May 11, 2018 at 01:15 AM
The presentation of the Google Duplex calling service, demonstrated this week and planned for this summer, impressed many as a great idea. A system that could...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | May 11, 2018 at 12:42 AM
Its all about having enough real data.Want Computers to See Better in the Real World? Train Them in a Virtual Reality EurekAlertChinese researchers have developed...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | May 10, 2018 at 07:25 PM
Another example of a personal assistant, perhaps useful for home applications. Considerable detail in the IEEE article examines design elements. Appears to be...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | May 10, 2018 at 02:08 PM
BMW Leasing Arm Supports Blockhain PilotBMW invited DOVU to participate in its innovation lab, which seeks new and disruptive ideas. The 10-week pilot began Jan...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | May 10, 2018 at 11:44 AM
Our own forestry management efforts could have used this, along with additional capabilities to detect growth changes, like tree diameters and height. An AI learns...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | May 10, 2018 at 11:31 AM
Newly announced. Broader accessibility and data tracking capabilities.How to create accessible apps and immersive game experiences with new eye tracking APIs ...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | May 10, 2018 at 11:23 AM
Not Quite what it means by more conversation chat, or AI. Its also about memory and context, common sense reasoning and shades of autonomy. . I will take this...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | May 9, 2018 at 06:38 PM
Early on, long before machine learning, we did content analysis. We still did quantitative analytics, but only after we had structured our problem with qualitative...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | May 9, 2018 at 04:41 PM
Maybe not so much for current experience, but a place to demonstrate what may be coming.Amazon's Experience Centers let you try out Alexa in a home settingThey’re...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | May 9, 2018 at 10:53 AM
Another player enters the fray, had worked with them much in the past, without hearing much of them in this space. But being much in the services space, makesHPE...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | May 9, 2018 at 10:46 AM
New to me.Neurala’s new neural network reduces AI training times from hours to seconds by Mike Wheatley Artificial intelligence startup Neurala Inc. is claiming...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | May 9, 2018 at 10:41 AM
Forrester Blogs The Counterintuitive CEOHow To Beat Amazon By George Colony CEO ... Amazon has an Achilles’ heel: emotion. The company delivers, but its customers...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | May 9, 2018 at 08:27 AM
Provocative pieceBig Data’s Mathematical MysteriesThis article was posted by Ingrid Daubechies on Quanta Magazine. Ingrid is the James B. Duke Professor of Mathematics...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | May 9, 2018 at 12:07 AM
Wal-Mart tests another way to checkout. Makes sense in Garden where there can be lots of seasonal traffic tie ups. Seen it in other Retail.Walmart associates...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | May 8, 2018 at 10:52 PM
This is always what I have wanted, an assistant conversation that starts with shared memory, uses the strongest context ongoing, and leads to actual goals. Google...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | May 8, 2018 at 04:23 PM
Missed this, again the emphasis is towards business solutions. Have not seen much from Cortana being useful for consumers. Have tested it for business, whereAre...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | May 8, 2018 at 09:04 AM
Useful, if somewhat too broad. Measurable and clearly process linked. Very useful statement about how data will not remain stable.IBM outlines the 5 attributes...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | May 8, 2018 at 01:16 AM