From Schneier on Security
Artificial intelligence (AI) has been billed as the next frontier of humanity: the newly available expanse whose exploration
B. Schneier| February 29, 2024
Yet another example of the No-Checkout concept, now being tested at some 7-Eleven convenience stores. As it suggests this creates not so much a clear convenience...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | November 13, 2018 at 01:30 AM
CSIG (Cognitive Systems Institute Group) Talk — Nov 15, 2018 - 10:30 AM ETTalk Title: Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Reaction Predictions - IBM RXN for Chemistry...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | November 12, 2018 at 06:09 PM
Good information and details here. Have followed Kroger's efforts since we collaborated with our innovation center. Very impressed at what Kroger is doing now....Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | November 12, 2018 at 03:48 PM
The two teaming up could further yet create a yet more powerful retail power. Plus consider the deeper AI capabilities in combination. Or are the naturally just...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | November 12, 2018 at 03:05 PM
Long time user of SAP in our enterprise. Note the $8 Billion cost, seems quite steep. I see them as a Customer Feedback Platform, see also here for comparison...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | November 12, 2018 at 02:03 PM
Considerable interesting statistics in this article. What skills can drive new behaviors? New or just a more efficient channel and location based play?Voice tech...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | November 12, 2018 at 10:51 AM
We did lots of work in this space for certain kinds of business problems, following some new developments. This kind of problem could in the future be addressed...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | November 12, 2018 at 10:50 AM
First the Nudge Theory, now a Nudge engine to make you notice it. Calibrating the use, timing and strength of the nudge may be the most important thing to to figure...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | November 11, 2018 at 04:49 PM
Seen things akin to this proposed. And push backs that just a better database system could do the same thing. Which is correct? The article does not make it...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | November 11, 2018 at 01:07 PM
We were long used to analytics staying static in method and application. Well thats not the case, at least not yet. Some good comments here in this excerpt...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | November 11, 2018 at 12:07 PM
A broad at how Amazon has changed the playing field, and will continue to do so, and what the reaction should be for CPG.Dinner with Algorithms: Competing in the...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | November 11, 2018 at 11:42 AM
Epstein’s talk on creativity and innovation at the Cambridge Forum on Executive Leadership was one of the most exciting I’ve seen in years."via D. L. Holland, Vice...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | November 11, 2018 at 10:24 AM
Mckinsey writes on petrochemical business process.Technological change is poised to disrupt the drilling and completion business while introducing new ways of working...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | November 11, 2018 at 10:11 AM
Have now particpated in several betas and Dev efforts for assistants. Here some basics and links to application for Samsung Bixby. Unclear how broadly such...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | November 10, 2018 at 01:00 PM
In Technology Review, a good, but still incomplete, hand drawn, decision tree to determine if something is 'AI'. Covers the basics. Good start. Click through...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | November 10, 2018 at 11:09 AM
Unusual promo that includes image recognition.Suave Promotion Brings Image Recognition to Walmart By CGT Staff Unilever’s Suave brand is promoting a Veteran’s...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | November 10, 2018 at 11:00 AM
MIT's Tech Review is now running a newsletter summary dealing with Blockchain , worth subscribing to. From the the latest issue. So you can vote on which version...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | November 10, 2018 at 02:00 AM
I got this late, I think you can still attend, ... On November 13, there will be a Chapter Meeting of the American Statistical Association Cincinnati Chapter (you...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | November 9, 2018 at 06:54 PM
The idea continues to spread.Amazon Go Has a Real Rival in Japan BloombergBY Yuji Nakamura; Yuki FurukawaTokyo, Japan-based Signpost Corp. has developed a system...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | November 9, 2018 at 03:30 PM
An expected privacy ploy. More presence rather than details?Using Wi-Fi to 'See' Behind Closed Doors Is Easier than Anyone Thought Technology ReviewUniversity...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | November 9, 2018 at 03:21 PM