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Distill: For Machine Learning Research
From The Eponymous Pickle

Distill: For Machine Learning Research

Brought to my attention: DistillDistill:  Machine Learning ResearchShould Be Clear, Dynamic and Vivid.Distill Is Here to Help.A modern medium for presenting research...

Feature Visualization
From The Eponymous Pickle

Feature Visualization

In the Google Blog, they provide an overview and pointer to deeper information.  An image rich and informative article.Feature VisualizationPosted by Christopher...

Alexa as the End of Smartphones?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Alexa as the End of Smartphones?

Had never thought of it quite this way. overall a big challenge.  Mobile is still convenience.  Also not enough about the attentiveness of such systems.  Voice/conversation...

Valens Offers a Single Copper Cable
From The Eponymous Pickle

Valens Offers a Single Copper Cable

Quite interesting solution that extends the simple .... for the rolling supercomputer.Valens Automotive Offers Carmakers One Cable To Rule Them All   By Philipin...

Sony Advanced Robot Aibo Dog
From The Eponymous Pickle

Sony Advanced Robot Aibo Dog

Saw the early version of the Aibo dog demonstrated in Japan.    Tried to get a demo for our space, but it never happened.   Japan was and is interested in eldercare...

Cisco Adds a Spark Conferencing Assistant
From The Eponymous Pickle

Cisco Adds a Spark Conferencing Assistant

Said to be a result of Cisco's acquisition of MindMeld earlier this year.  Makes sense, now will it add a level of attentiveness to a conference and do supporting...

AI as the New Electrcity
From The Eponymous Pickle

AI as the New Electrcity

Interesting thoughts on AI,  Still beware of hyped expectations.  Brains in Alexa or Siri?   Still awaiting that.  In Knowledge@Wharton. Why AI is the new Electricity...

On Memory Video Holograms
From The Eponymous Pickle

On Memory Video Holograms

As the Verge article linked to beow  suggests, the term Hologram is being used differently and non-technically here, as kind of 3D video that can be later accessed...

Mentors, Mentees, Assistants
From The Eponymous Pickle

Mentors, Mentees, Assistants

Perhaps obvious, but reasonable statement of the needs.  In the HBR.Can a virtual assistant be a mentee?  We examined.  In the short term, no, the information exchange...

Hinton and Capsule Networks
From The Eponymous Pickle

Hinton and Capsule Networks

We followed neural networks from their earliest days, but where they failed they did not have the data to consistently work under changing context, and at highGoogle's...

Flying Cow Drone Cell Service
From The Eponymous Pickle

Flying Cow Drone Cell Service

A drone that temporarily flies at a few hundred feed to provide services.   Our own look at commercial drone services showed this could be done.  40 mile square...

Building AI Applications to Solve Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Building AI Applications to Solve Analytics

Interesting view of how different companies are addressing the complex issue of how AI solutions are built and delivered.     Getting more important by the day....

Developing Enterprise AI Apps
From The Eponymous Pickle

Developing Enterprise AI Apps

Now been involved in a number of such enterprise efforts, nicely put, can use more examples and details.   See the use cases linked to for more.Developing Successful...

Where AI has Gone Wrong
From The Eponymous Pickle

Where AI has Gone Wrong

Most of the examples here are well known.  Many of them are less the AI going wrong but how they have been inserted into the underlying business process, sometimes...

Ocado Robots Filling Grocery Orders
From The Eponymous Pickle

Ocado Robots Filling Grocery Orders

With video and detail.    Impressive move forward..  Have now watched grocery pick up orders being composed by workers in a standard Kroger store.   Not a fastHow...

Images Can be Constructed to Fool Deep Learning
From The Eponymous Pickle

Images Can be Constructed to Fool Deep Learning

A troublesome result,  especially where there is incentive to do so.Fooling Neural Networks in the Physical World with 3D Adversarial ObjectsWe’ve developed an...

Building Deep Learning Applications
From The Eponymous Pickle

Building Deep Learning Applications

Intriguing piece I am reviewing, showing the continued complexity of the field, from a practice perspective.Nuts and Bolts of Building Deep Learning Applications...

Cautions About Betting on Platforms
From The Eponymous Pickle

Cautions About Betting on Platforms

 Most of us are today betting on a platform, the Internet, so this seems odd advice.  But we are also betting on some specifics of the internet, access, architecture...

Looker for Self Service Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Looker for Self Service Analytics

Brought to my attention by a client:  LookerClaims for democratized and secure, real time data analytics.It’s a delicate balance between making data available for...

Bixby Assistant Expanded?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Bixby Assistant Expanded?

I think that Samsung's Bixby will be important to follow as an assistant. Saw a prototype of this long ago.  On a visit to an appliance store recently I saw a Samsung...
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