From Schneier on Security
Artificial intelligence (AI) has been billed as the next frontier of humanity: the newly available expanse whose exploration
B. Schneier| February 29, 2024
Forbes writes about a number of real world problems solved by Big Data solutions. Some good very non technical examples. Ends with a good set of general suggestions...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | December 14, 2013 at 02:11 PM
Forms of this blog have been around since 2001. Now, some 8300 plus posts. It covers both my thoughts, history and sometimes breaking news in information technology...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | December 14, 2013 at 10:23 AM
More on IBM's Watson AI ecosystem. I have enrolled. recall I have talked about our own work in this area, which mirrored IBM work in our enterprise. Seemuchtheir...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | December 14, 2013 at 10:13 AM
They buy Bigdog robot makers. An MIT spinoff. Another interesting development, see their site which shows some impressive and even scary avatars. Recall Google...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | December 14, 2013 at 09:52 AM
In HBS Working Knowledge: Some interesting points on dangers to Wal-Mart's future. How can these risks be managed? " ... How much longer will Walmart's business...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | December 14, 2013 at 12:30 AM
Not really AI, as I read it, not autonomous, but tele-operation, and the researching of how people would act and interact with local avatar robotics. What these...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | December 13, 2013 at 03:55 PM
New from the GMA:" ... BCG and GMA study: CPG companies can benefit from viewing IT as a growth engine A large proportion of consumer packaged goods companiesGMA...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | December 13, 2013 at 01:21 PM
A method that is new to me, in Stephen Few's Perceptual Edge blog: Cycle Plots. " ... A cycle plot is a type of line graph that is useful for displaying cyclical...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | December 13, 2013 at 12:53 PM
In BBC Tech: About 61% of net traffic is by bots, the study says. Of course bots do different things. One might be reading this blog, another might be part...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | December 13, 2013 at 12:25 PM
In the HBR: (Requires free registration): Key point being made is that estimation error can be a key skill for building innovation. Always try to build numerical...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | December 13, 2013 at 07:26 AM
We were long time participating members of the standards body called GS1. I now only sometimes read their writings. Beyond standards they often talk about retail...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | December 13, 2013 at 12:28 AM
As part of a century and a half old, very successful enterprise, we had a supply chain group from well before I arrived there. It is essential to make the modern...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | December 12, 2013 at 05:42 PM
A classic problem, can flavor be delivered with digital stimulation? Research has been doing on for a long time. Getting to the Bottom of a Digital Lollipop...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | December 12, 2013 at 02:24 PM
Yes, they have for a long time. My domain for many years. But many new methods are now influencing the space. GigaOM explores. An extensive report I am reading...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | December 12, 2013 at 08:46 AM
Good, general non technical piece from Ventana Research. It is an evolution, with many people not understanding the issues in its use. " ... R, the open source...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | December 12, 2013 at 08:23 AM
In exploration for a project that requires the use of some advanced analytical methods developed in R which would then provide access to the results interactively...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | December 12, 2013 at 12:30 AM
In Fortune: My early work with analytics was building simulations systems at the Pentagon. This article describes well how this is done in Defense. And its improved...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | December 11, 2013 at 05:03 PM
Had always wondered what the RF space would look like. Here an attempt at visualizing how complex the coverage of RF looks like today. Some of the commenters...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | December 11, 2013 at 04:14 PM
HR analytics have been much in the news and in my investigations of late. Here some cautionary notes. What parts of HR can be constructed as a science? It...Franz Dill From The Eponymous Pickle | December 11, 2013 at 01:19 PM