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From Computational Complexity

How I know Moneyball is a true story. Do we clean up theorems and life too much?

A few years ago I saw the movie Moneyball about how the Oakland A's used intelligent statistics to... win? No, but to do better-than-expected.  Even if I didn't...

From Computational Complexity

How NOT to bet

(True Story, but names are changed for no good reason.) Alice, Bob, and Carol are betting on who will be the Republican Nominee in 2016. Alice bets on Jeb Bush...

From Computational Complexity

The Change Problem and the Gap between Recreational and Serious Mathematics

In a prior post (here)I discussed the change problem: given a dollar, how many ways can you make change using pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters (and generalize...

From Computational Complexity

Need some book reviewed- faster than usual

I have been the SIGACT NEWS book review editor since 1997. I have tried to get about 10 books reviewed per column. I have succeeded- perhaps too well! I have gotten...

From Computational Complexity

What to call the top and bottom part of (n choose k)

In my last post I asked for candidates for names for the top and bottom part of (n choose k) . Here are the candidates and my comments on them and ... the winner...

From Computational Complexity

Is there a word for the top part of a binomial coefficient?

Consider the sequence: x/y,  (x+1)/y, (x+2)/y, ..., (x+z)/y one could say  in this sequence of fractions the numerators goes through z-1 consecutive numbers. ...

From Computational Complexity

3000 lunches

Last week fortune smiled on two of my friends: Ken Regan made the cover of Chess Life for his work on catching chess cheaters. (See here.) Jacob Lurie who I mentored...

From Computational Complexity

How many ways can you make change of n cents?

(For a related post see  my post on Schur's theorem. The paper THIS post refers to is  here.) (ADDED LATER: A commenter pointed to Graham-Knuth-Patashnik forhere...

From Computational Complexity

Ref/info request for an obvious approach to GI

Talking about Graphi Isom with some students they came up with the following idea which is certainly not new; however, I couldn't quite find much about it on the...

From Computational Complexity

Fair question? Trick question?

The following problem was on my final for Formal Lang theory (Reg, P, NP, Dec, c.e.) For this problem you may assume P\ne NP and NP\ne coNP. For each of the following...

From Computational Complexity

Do you support CCC's declaration of Ind? If so...

The steering committee for the CCC recently announced its decision to be independent of IEEE. Here is their open letter to that effect. If you agree with thishere...

From Computational Complexity

Law of small numbers and letters

The law of small numbers is that there are not enough small numbers for all of the tasks that are assigned to them. That makes some math cranks find patterns which...

From Computational Complexity

Review of People, Problems and Proofs By Lipton and Regan

 (A version of this either already has or well appear in SIGACT NEWS book rev column.) A review of the blog-book  PEOPLE, PROBLEMS, AND PROOFS by Richard Lipton...

From Computational Complexity

''4col \le 3col is counter-intuitive and makes me sad'' NOT ANYMORE!

In my ugrad theory class (reg,P,NP,Dec,c.e) I proved that SAT is NP-complete. In the next lecture I proved that  SAT \le 3-col, so 3-col is NP-complete. I thenLeast...

From Computational Complexity

How should qualifying exams and courses work

In my last post about what Every Theory Grad Student Should know some more general questions were raised: Qualifying exams vs Course Requirements. Why do we have...

From Computational Complexity

Every Theory Grad Student should know...

This semester my Graduate Complexity Course has nine students in it. It had not been offered for two years (when it had around 20) so the demand, such as it is,...

From Computational Complexity

The Big bang Theory hits close to home

On a recent episode of  The Big Bang Theory Sheldon gives up String theory because, after working on it for 20 years, he has nothing to show for his efforts. Icompactify...

From Computational Complexity

Changing the ORDER you teach things in might help A LOT

I am teaching the undergrad jr/sr course Elementary Theory of Computation which is Reg Langs, Context free Langs, Computability theory, P and NP. Over the last...

From Computational Complexity

Factorization in coNP- in other domains?

I had on an exam in my grad complexity course to show that the following set is in coNP FACT = { (n,m) : there is a factor y of n with 2 \le y \le m } The answer...

From Computational Complexity

How free is Randomness?

Matthew Green had a great post on the topic how do you know a random number generator is working.  Gee, I just look at the sequence and see if it LOOKS random. ...
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