From Schneier on Security
Artificial intelligence (AI) has been billed as the next frontier of humanity: the newly available expanse whose exploration
B. Schneier| February 29, 2024
Let me be he last on the block to tell you that
an alleged proof of P ≠ NP is out there.
NOT posting on it would be absurd; however, I cannot do any
better than...GASARCH From Computational Complexity | August 9, 2010 at 03:40 PM
my last post the following game:
Let f(n) be a non-decreasing function from naturals to naturals.
Consider the following game:
Let n be a large...GASARCH From Computational Complexity | August 4, 2010 at 05:11 AM
Let f(n) be a monotone increasing function from N to N.
Consider the following game:
Let n be a natural number...GASARCH From Computational Complexity | August 2, 2010 at 03:00 PM
The following problem is from
Doctor Eco's Cyberpuzzles.
I have shortened and generalized it.
We are going to put numbers into boxes.
If x,y,z are in a box then...GASARCH From Computational Complexity | July 29, 2010 at 02:52 PM
I recently a letter from WETA (public TV) which I
quote from:
This letter is quite different from any we've ever sent to you.
For years we wrote to you about...GASARCH From Computational Complexity | July 27, 2010 at 05:05 PM
Richard Lipton had a wonderful
asking for a seventh
Millennium Prize
now that
Poincare's conjecture
has been solved.
I posted a suggestion on his blog but...GASARCH From Computational Complexity | July 26, 2010 at 04:36 PM
I will be sending my next book review column for
SIGACT NEWS off on July 28, 2010.
It has LOTS of books on its BOOKS I WANT REVIEWED list.
YOU get a chance to look...GASARCH From Computational Complexity | July 21, 2010 at 03:16 PM
The Job Market in Theory (likely in all of academia) has more
randomness and arbitrariness (are those the same?) then
people may realize. Especially young PhD's...GASARCH From Computational Complexity | July 19, 2010 at 04:11 PM
(This post is similar to
this old post.
I am posting this anyway since when I first posted I made fundamental mistake. I fixed it
the point I was trying to make...GASARCH From Computational Complexity | July 15, 2010 at 03:25 PM
Is it possible for someone to be denied Full Prof?
Yes, but it is rare.
Is it possible for someone to fail a PhD defense?
Yes, but it is rare.
These questions...GASARCH From Computational Complexity | July 12, 2010 at 12:44 PM
a conflict-of-interest?
Some thoughts.
Thought One
PROF: I can't vote on Professor X's Full Prof case since I have a conflict.
CHAIRMAN: (There areThought...GASARCH From Computational Complexity | July 8, 2010 at 01:35 PM
Within CS theory who ended up at what jobs?
Neither Lance nor I knows this.
But YOU do--- collectively!
So, I ask you, the readers, to leave comments about
who...GASARCH From Computational Complexity | July 5, 2010 at 04:41 PM
Consider the following problem:
A hole is drilled through the center of a sphere.
The cylinder-with-caps is removed.
The length of the removed cylinder (itHere...GASARCH From Computational Complexity | July 1, 2010 at 12:53 PM
Some random thoughts about quiz shows.
THOUGHT ONE: There could be a quiz show based on P and NP.
We all think that FINDING an answer is harder than VERIFYING...GASARCH From Computational Complexity | June 29, 2010 at 02:13 PM
There was a
Women in Theory Workshop at Princeton From
June 19-23.
***SORELLE***, who was there, has some intelligent and interesting
things to say about it...GASARCH From Computational Complexity | June 28, 2010 at 03:04 PM
How to best describe what we do to the layperson?
It depends on what you mean by layperson.
I was in Austin Texas visiting my nephew Jason.
I was also giving...GASARCH From Computational Complexity | June 24, 2010 at 02:32 PM
(Guest Post by Vijay Vazirani)
Foundational ... or Simply a Curiosity?
Conventional wisdom has it that whereas linear programs have
rational solutions,...GASARCH From Computational Complexity | June 22, 2010 at 02:55 PM
Reminder:Deadline for submitting to special issue of
Theory of Computing in honor of Rajeev Motwani
is July 30. See
CCC 2010!
Ran Raz gave an...GASARCH From Computational Complexity | June 21, 2010 at 03:40 PM
(Will post on Complexity next week. I am waiting until the invited talks have
their slides online so that I can point to them.)
Lets say you just got a PhDacademic...GASARCH From Computational Complexity | June 17, 2010 at 03:14 PM
(I will post about CCC 2010 later in the week.)
Several people have posted on the death of Martin Gardner:
Complexity Blog (Lance)
Shtetl Optimized (Scott)...GASARCH From Computational Complexity | June 15, 2010 at 03:32 PM