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From Computational Complexity

I will be on instagram/If you have two reals in a box- Answer (Guest Post by David Marcus)

I will be on instragram:We,  Prof. Mohammad Hajiaghayi and Prof. William Gasarch plan to have an Instagram Live at @mhajiaghayi this SAT FEB 26, 1:30PM EDT (in...

From Computational Complexity

I will be on Instagram/If you have two reals in a box.... (Guest Post by David Marcus)

I will be on instragram:We,  Prof. Mohammad Hajiaghayi and Prof. William Gasarch plan to have an Instagram Live at @mhajiaghayi this SAT FEB 26, 1:30PM EDT (inhere...

From Computational Complexity

PSPACE is contained in Zero Knowledge!! How come nobody seems to care?

(This post was inspired by Lance's post on Zero Knowledge, here, which was inspired by a video he has in the post which was inspired by... (I think this ordering...

From Computational Complexity

Regan Lipton celebrates my 1000th blog post and random thoughts this inspires

Ken Regan emailed me recently asking if our software could tell how many blogs I had done (not how many Lance+Bill had done). We didn't know how to do that butthose...

From Computational Complexity

Personal Reflections on Dick Lipton in honor of his 1000th blog/75th bday.

 Is it an irony that Lipton's 1000th post and 75th bday are close together? No. Its a coincidence. People use irony/paradox/coincidence interchangeably. Hearing...

From Computational Complexity

Math problems involving Food

 A few people emailed me an Math article on arxiv about cutting a pizza, and since I wrote the book (literally) on cutting muffins, they thought it might interest...

From Computational Complexity

Did Betty White die in 2021?/Why do people have their `end-of-the-year' lists before the end of the year?

 I am looking at Parade Magazine's issue whose cover story is                                          We say goodbye to the stars we lost in 2021.The date on the...

From Computational Complexity

Did Lane Hemaspaandra invent the Fib numbers?

 (I abbreviate Fibonacci by Fib throughout. Lane Hemaspaandra helped me with this post.) We all learned that Fib invented or discovered the Fib Numbers:f_0=1,f_1...

From Computational Complexity

Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Clause for Complexity Theorists, If you Only Believe

  (Guest Post by Hunter Monroe) In this  guest post and discussion paper, I present a remarkable set of structurally similar conjectures which, if you...

From Computational Complexity

Open: 4 colorability for graphs of bounded genus or bounded crossing number (has this been asked before?)

 I have  co-authored (with Nathan Hayes, Anthony Ostuni, Davin Park) an open problems column  on the topic of this post. It is here.Let g(G) be the genus of a graph...

From Computational Complexity

When did Computer Science Theory Get so Hard?

 I posted on When did Math get so hard? a commenter pointed out that one can also ask When did Computer Science Theory Get so Hard?For the Math-question I could...

From Computational Complexity

Reflections on Trusting ``Trustlessness'' in the era of ``Crypto'' Blockchains (Guest Post)

 I trust Evangelos Georgiadis to do a guest post on Trust and Blockchain. Today we have a guest post by Evangelos Georgiadis on Trust. It was written before Lance's...

From Computational Complexity

When did Math Get So Hard?

I have been on many Math PhD thesis defense's  as the Dean's Representative. This means I don't have to understand the work, just make sure the rules are followed...

From Computational Complexity

Squaring the circle is mentioned in a Gilbert and Sullivan comic Opera.

The problem of squaring the circle: Given a circle, construct (with ruler and compass) a square with the same area. While browsing the web for more informationhere...

From Computational Complexity

Is MATH Ready for P=NP? Is Alexandra Fahrenthold Ready for P=NP?

(This post was inspired by Harry Lewis emailing me about his granddaughter.) Harry Lewis's grand daughter Alexandra Fahrenthold (see both pictures) wants informationon...

From Computational Complexity

I have a book out on muffins (you prob already know that)

Lance: How come you haven't blogged on your muffin book? You've blogged about two books by Harry Lewis (see here and here) one book by the lesswrong community (see...

From Computational Complexity

How have computers changed society? Harry Lewis (with co-authors) have a book out on that.

 (Disclosure - Harry Lewis was my PhD advisor.)It seems like just a few weeks ago I I blogged about a book of Harry Lewis's that was recently available (see here...

From Computational Complexity

My academic lineage and more interesting facts that come out of it

 I got my PhD from Harvard in 1985 with advisor Harry LewisHarry Lewis got his PhD from Harvard in 1974 with advisor Burton Dreben (Dreben was in the Philosophy...

From Computational Complexity

The New Jeopardy Champion is a `A CS grad student from a school in New Haven'

 As of Sept 17, Matt Amodio has won 23 straight games in a row on Jeopardy and won over $800,000 in regular play. The following website is not quite up to date,...

From Computational Complexity

Review of A Blog Book based on the Less Wrong Blog

 There is a blog called lesswrong. Many people contribute to it (how many people must contribute to a website before it stops being called a blog and starts being...
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