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From Computational Complexity

Robin Hanson's Ems

Robin Hanson an economist at George Mason and author of the Overcoming Bias blog, has a new book The Age of Em: Work, Love and Life when Robots Rule the Earth.White...

From Computational Complexity

Seymour Papert (1928-2016)

Seymour Papert, the great AI pioneer, passed away Sunday at the age of 88. In the theory community we best know him for his 1969 book Perceptrons with Marvindied...

From Computational Complexity


This week I report from Maastricht in the Netherlands from the GAMES 2016, the 5th World Congress of the Game Theory Society. By having their congress every four...

From Computational Complexity

Snowbird 2016

Earlier this week I attended the 2016 CRA Snowbird Conference, a biennial meeting of CS chairs and other leaders in the the computing community. I’ve attended every...

From Computational Complexity


Goro Hasegawa passed away last week at the age of 83. Hasegawa created and popularized the board game Othello based on an old British game Reversi. Back in the...

From Computational Complexity

STOC 2016

I attended the 2016 STOC Conference earlier this week in Cambridge, Massachusetts. No shortage of awesome results highlighted by László Babai's new quasipolynomial...

From Computational Complexity

The Relevance of TCS

Avi Wigderson responds to yesterday's post. 20 years is a long time, and TCS is in a completely different place today than it was then. I am happy to say that...

From Computational Complexity

Karp v Wigderson 20 Years Later

The 48th ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing starts this weekend in Boston. Let's go back twenty years to the 28th STOC, part of the second Federated Computing...

From Computational Complexity

Math Movies

In 1997 Good Will Hunting, a fictional movie about the hidden mathematical talents of a MIT janitor grossed $225 million and won a best screenplay Oscar for Matt...

From Computational Complexity

CCC 2016

Earlier this week I attended the 31st Computational Complexity Conference in Tokyo. I've been to thirty of these meetings, missing only the 2012 conference in Porto...

From Computational Complexity

Theory Jobs 2016

In the fall we point to theory jobs, in the spring we see who got them. How is the CS enrollment explosion affecting the theory job market? We've seen some big ...

From Computational Complexity


The US television industry has long fascinated me, an entertainment outlet driven by technology. David Sarnoff introduced television at the World's Fair in 1939...

From Computational Complexity

The Challenges of Smart Cities

Earlier this week I attended the CCC workshop Computing Research: Addressing National Priorities and Societal Needs (video). The workshop covered a large collection...

From Computational Complexity

Open Questions

Through the years I've mentioned a few of my favorite open problems in computational complexity on this blog that have perplexed me through the years. Let me mention...

From Computational Complexity

Claude Shannon (1916-2001)

Claude Shannon was born hundred years ago Saturday. Shannon had an incredible career but we know him best for his 1948 paper A Mathematical Theory of Communication...

From Computational Complexity

The Master Algorithm

We see so few popular science books on computer science, particularly outside of crypto and theory. Pedro Domingos' The Master Algorithm: How the Quest for the,...

From Computational Complexity

Who Controls Machine Learning?

After AlphaGo's victory, the New York Times ran an article The Race Is On to Control Artificial Intelligence, and Tech’s Future. A platform, in technology, istweeted...

From Computational Complexity

It's All About the Jobs

In the April CACM Moshe Vardi asks Are We Headed toward Another Global Tech Bust? I agree with some of Vardi’s points, mostly that VC money chasing after unicorns...

From Computational Complexity

The Machine Learning Turk

Google's AlphaGo took the world by storm when it won its match with Lee Sedol but Demis Hassabis now acknowledges the dark truth. Google wanted to promote its cloud...

From Computational Complexity

MohammadTaghi HajiAghayi on David Johnson

More than a week ago, I heard the very sad news that David Johnson has passed away after one year fight with cancer. I felt that I should write a memorial note...
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