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From Computational Complexity

Is Computer Science Cool Again?

Back in 2005 I worried about loss of excitement about computer science among America's youth. Today computers have become almost as commonplace as televisionsFCRC...

From Computational Complexity


The 2011 G

From Computational Complexity

FCRC Early Registration May 16

One final reminder for the FCRC Conference. Early registration deadline is this Monday, May 16. There are a number of events at FCRC of interest to our readers...

From Computational Complexity

Those Happy Samoans

Below is a post I wrote in 2009 but for some reason never made it to this blog. But I had better post it now because, as I found out via Tony Wirth, Samoa is moving...

From Computational Complexity

Forty Years of P v NP

In the afternoon of May 4, 1971, in the Stouffer's Somerset Inn in Shaker Heights, Ohio, Steve Cook presented his STOC paper proving that Satisfiability is NP...

From Computational Complexity

Don't Blame the Tech

Short Announcements: STOC Poster Submission Deadline is Monday. Jaime Morgenstern set up a google groups page for students to find roommates for STOC, FCRC andTechnology...

From Computational Complexity

Ravi Kannan wins the Knuth Prize

Ravi Kannan will receive the 2011 Knuth Prize for his algorithmic work, including approximating volumes of high-dimensional convex objects, computing the Frobenius...

From Computational Complexity

Choosing an Undergrad School

It is the time of year in the US that high school students have found out what schools have accepted them and now have to decide where to spend the next four years...

From Computational Complexity

Do You Know the Way to San Jose?

Lots of CS Goodness going on at FCRC June 4-11. New for 2011 the STOC Poster Session: Share your exciting research on theory's greatest stage! Submission deadline...

From Computational Complexity

Kanellakis and Grace Murray Hopper Prizes

The ACM announced several award winners today. Two of particular interest to the theory community. Craig Gentry, recipient of the Grace Murray Hopper Award for...

From Computational Complexity

A New Proof of the Nondeterministic Time Hierarchy

A nondeterministic time hierarchy was first proved by Cook and in the strongest form by Seiferas, Fischer and Meyer.  Z

From Computational Complexity

The Complexity of the Soul

A CS vision professor once told me "Of course we know there is an efficient algorithm for that humans can do it." Are we just nothing more than Turing machines...

From Computational Complexity

How I'm Spending my Spring Break

This week I returned to Dagstuhl for the workshop on Computational Complexity of Discrete Problems. I come here so often that when I tweeted that I was om way Dagstuhl...

From Computational Complexity

Computer Science Takes Over

We live in our own research areas. I focus on computational complexity and marvel at what our field has accomplished over my over 25 years in the field as wellseries...

From Computational Complexity

STOC 1989

A student at Northwestern gave a presentation about a STOC 1989 paper. I've been to well over a hundred conferences and the memories of many just merge into each...

From Computational Complexity

Les Valiant wins the Turing Award

In a definite case of when not if, Leslie Valiant will receive the 2010 ACM Turing Award, the highest honor in all of computer science. Valiant has done incredible...

From Computational Complexity

Greetings from Porto

Today we just finished the thesis defense of Andre Souto at University of Porto. Good News: He passed the defense so now we call him Dr. Souto. Better news: By...

From Computational Complexity

What I Tweeted

Various thoughts not restricted to 140 characters. Congrats to Mihalis Yannakakis for his election into the National Academy of Engineering as well as new Sloan...

From Computational Complexity

Can we Innovate without Producing?

On Friday I heard a speaker lament about how losing the manufacturing base in the US: "You can move a foundry easier than you can move an Internet company." An ...

From Computational Complexity

The Theory Postdoc Culture

FOCS Call for Papers posted. Deadline April 13. The CRA organized a committee that put together on a white paper on whether postdocs are healthy for Computer Science...
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