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dateMore Than a Year Ago
authorLance Fortnow

From Computational Complexity

The iPhonification of Everything

So you've got an iPhone XS in Space Grey. Congrats, so do 20 million other people. Maybe you have different cases but otherwise the hardware in all these phones...

From Computational Complexity

An Immerman-Szelepcsényi Story

As a grad student in the late 80's I had the opportunity to witness many great and often surprising theorems in computational complexity. Let me tell you aboutnondeterministic...

From Computational Complexity

Phish Before Turkey

The Chronicle of Higher Education recently published a story Phishing Scheme Targets Professors’ Desire to Please Their Deans — All for $500 in Gift Cards. TheFrom...

From Computational Complexity

Machine Learning and Wind Turbines

My daughter Molly spent six weeks on an environmental program in China last summer. When she got back she had to do a report on machine learning and wind turbines...

From Computational Complexity

The Cost of Privacy

Billboard at 2019 CES Computer scientists tend to obsess about privacy and we've had a privacy/security debate for decades now. But now machine learning has...

From Computational Complexity

Search versus Decision

Shockingly I've never done a post on search versus decision, one of the more interesting dualities in complexity. In short: Decision: Is there a needle in the haystack...

From Computational Complexity

Complexity Year in Review 2018

Result of the year goes to Oracle Separation of BQP and PH by Ran Raz and Avishay Tal which we wrote about in June. This work solves one of the original openQuanta...

From Computational Complexity

Ker-I Ko (1950-2018)

A few weeks ago as Bill and I prepared for our upcoming year in review post, we noted that we hadn't lost any theoretical computer scientists this year, at least...

From Computational Complexity

Inverting Onto Functions

Here's an open question that goes back to a 2003 paper  that I wrote with Steve Fenner, John Rogers and Ashish Naik. The conference paper goes back to 1996. In...

From Computational Complexity

Remembering George H. W. Bush

Today is the national day of mourning for George Herbert Walker Bush, one of the best presidents for science and computing. He created PCAST, the President's...

From Computational Complexity

LOGCFL Venkat Style

H. Venkateswaran, a much loved professor in the School of Computer Science at Georgia Tech and a fellow computational complexity theorist, is retiring at the end...

From Computational Complexity

Simons and Amazon

I'm spending this week at the Simons Institute in smokey Berkeley, California. This fall Simons has a program in Lower Bounds in Computational Complexity. Scroll...

From Computational Complexity

The Data Transformation of Universities

With all the news about elections, caravans, shootings and attorney generals, maybe you missed the various stories about real transformations at our top universities...

From Computational Complexity

P = NP Need Not Give a SAT Algorithm

In Bill's post earlier this week, he asks if there is a fixed algorithm such that if P = NP, this algorithm will correctly compute satisfiability on all inputs....

From Computational Complexity

Good Results Made Meaningless

Sometimes you see a beautiful theorem A that you love to talk about. Then another beautiful theorem B comes around, making the first one meaningless since B trivially...

From Computational Complexity

A New Cold War?

Imagine the following not-so-unrealistic scenario: The US-China trade war deepens leading to a cold war. The US blocks all Chinese citizens from graduate school...

From Computational Complexity

2018 Fall Jobs Post

As we do every year at this time, we help you find that perfect academic job. So who's hiring in CS this year? Perhaps we should instead follow the advice of John...

From Computational Complexity

Muffin Math

Lance: It's Friday afternoon and the Dagstuhl workshop has ended. We have some time before we need take off so how about one final typecast. Bill: Always a good...

From Computational Complexity

Still Typecasting from Dagstuhl

Lance: Bill, in our typecast earlier this week I said you were older than me. But 68? You don't look day over 66. Bill: Neither do you. But seriously, why do you...

From Computational Complexity

Lance and Bill go to Dagstuhl: The Riemann Edition

Lance: Welcome to our typecast directly from Dagstuhl in Southwestern Germany for the 2018 edition of the seminar on Algebraic Methods in Computation Complexity...
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