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dateMore Than a Year Ago
authorLance Fortnow

From Computational Complexity

From Homework Solution to Research Paper

Inspired by the Dantzig Story  I occasionally put an open problem on a class assignment. Never worked, though I did have a student get a research paper from solving...

From Computational Complexity

George Dantzig >= 100

We celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of George Dantzig today. In his obituary post we talked about his work on optimization, particularly the simplex...

From Computational Complexity

Favorite Theorems: Circuit Lower Bounds

My long time blog readers should have no surprise on my final favorite theorem of 2005-2014. Nonuniform ACC Circuit Lower Bounds by Ryan Williams (PDF) We sawlist...

From Computational Complexity

Metrics in Academics

Congratulations to the San Francisco Giants, winning the World Series last night. In honor of their victory let's talk metrics. Baseball has truly embraced metrics...

From Computational Complexity

Sipser Symposium

On Sunday we had the Symposium on Theoretical Computer Science on the Occasion of Michael Sipser's 60th birthday to celebrate what Mike has brought to research...

From Computational Complexity

MSR SVC Letters

The Committee for the Advancement of Theoretical Computer Science put together an open letter to several research leaders at Microsoft. We feel that there should...

From Computational Complexity

The Curious Case of NP and NEXP

NP (nondeterministic polynomial time) and NEXP (nondeterministic exponential time) are provably different classes by the nondeterministic time hierarchy. No surprise...

From Computational Complexity

2014 Fall Jobs Post

Tis the season for the fall jobs post. Please list any jobs, academic or industrial, in theoretical computer science broadly construed in the comments to this post...

From Computational Complexity

Favorite Theorems: Multilinear Circuits

In the past decade we have seen a strong program in algebraic circuit complexity. If you just define circuits using multiplication and addition gates, sometimes...

From Computational Complexity


I rarely highlight individual events on the blog, but one's advisor only turns sixty once. We will honor Michael Sipser at MIT on Sunday, October 26 with a one...

From Computational Complexity

Typecasting in Dagstuhl

After this pre-recorded typecast, we learned of the tragic death of Alexey Chervonenkis, the C of VC dimension, a huge loss to the learning community. We’ll have...

From Computational Complexity

Goodbye MSR-SVC

This week I'm back at Dagstuhl for the Workshop on Algebra in Complexity Theory. Bill is here as well and we hope to have a typecast for you later this week. The...

From Computational Complexity

Richard Lipton Wins Knuth Prize

Georgia Tech professor and fellow blogger Richard Lipton will receive the 2014 Knuth Prize at the upcoming FOCS conference in Philadelphia. The Knuth Prize is given...

From Computational Complexity

Beyond the Commodity

Back in 2005 I lamented the fact that students viewed computers as a commodity, a tool they use, like an automobile, but have no reason to understand how or why...

From Computational Complexity

Favorite Theorems: Quantum Interactive Proofs

Practical quantum computing still has many hurdles to jump through, but the quantum computing model does generate great complexity questions and often surprising...

From Computational Complexity

Sixteen Years in the Making

Every paper has a story but Sunny Daniel's Arxiv paper from yesterday deserves a blog post. We begin in 1982 when Ravi Kannan proved that Σ2 (the problems computable...

From Computational Complexity

A Deadly Side of Complexity

Better algorithms can lead to better medicine and save lives. Just today Tim Gowers discusses Emmanuel Candès' ICM Plenary Lecture, which among other things describes...

From Computational Complexity

Turing's Oracle

My daughter had a summer project to read and summarize some popular science articles. Having heard me talk about Alan Turing more than a few times, she picked a...

From Computational Complexity

Complexity versus Algorithms: The FOCS Challenge

In recent years, I've heard complaints from my complexity colleagues that FOCS and STOC are mostly algorithms and from the algorithm buddies that STOC and FOCSFOCS...

From Computational Complexity

Favorite Theorems: Limited Independence

When can limited randomness act as well as true random bits? Polylogarithmic independence fools AC0 circuits by Mark Braverman (JACM 2010) To explain this result...
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