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authorLance Fortnow

From Computational Complexity

Alan Turing (1912-1954)

Today we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Alan Turing, remembering his incredible life and mourning his tragic death. Alan Turing simply askedwebcast...

From Computational Complexity

Name My Book

As many of you know I have been working on a non-technical popular science book on the P versus NP for a general audience. The book is mostly finished but the biggest...

From Computational Complexity

Fortnoy's Complaint

During my daughter's 8th grade graduation last week, the teacher reading the names said "Molly Fortnoy...I mean Fortnow". I felt for Molly. When my name was first...

From Computational Complexity

Mihai P?tra?cu (1982-2012)

Mihai P?tra?cu passed away Tuesday after a bout with brain cancer. Even though he hadn't reached his 30th birthday, he had already produced a number of major achievements...

From Computational Complexity

Which Books to Keep?

Moving is an excuse to go through your possessions and weed out what you don't need anymore. Over my professional life I've collected two large bookcases full of...

From Computational Complexity

Theory Jobs 2012

The theoretical computer science job market has mostly settled so time for the annual spring jobs posts. I set up a Google Spreadsheet that everyone can edit so...

From Computational Complexity

STOC Business Meeting

Last night I ran my last STOC business meeting as SIGACT chair. It was a three-hour affair until the hotel staff kicked us out at midnight. Lots of

From Computational Complexity


The ACM announced the 2012 G

From Computational Complexity

Wall Street Complexity

There is much blame to go around for JPMorgan Chase's two billion dollar loss last week but part of that blame came back to us. In a New York Times web piece, ...

From Computational Complexity

Paying to Publish

You proved a nice theorem, wrote up the paper and submitted it to a major computer science conference. Your paper was accepted! Congratulations. Now pay up. An...

From Computational Complexity

Microsoft saves the Yahoo NY Researchers

I started working with David Pennock on prediction markets back when we both were at the NEC Research Institute in New Jersey a decade ago. After a major reorganization...

From Computational Complexity

Berkeley Wins the Simons

As reported today in the New York Times, the Simons Foundation has chosen U. C. Berkeley to host the new Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing, a $6,000,000...

From Computational Complexity

Is Moore's Law Good for CS?

Roy Friedman writes a blog post on The Expected End of Moore

From Computational Complexity

CS in the Sunshine State

As many of you've heard the Dean of Engineering at the University of Florida is planning deep cuts to the Computer and Information Science and Engineering Department...

From Computational Complexity

Some Announcements

STOC early registration deadline is Thursday. This year STOC will have both tutorials and workshops and its second poster session. Hope to see you all there. The...

From Computational Complexity

ACM/IEEE Curriculum 2013

[STOC 2012 Early Registration Deadline Thursday] On a roughly ten-year cycle, the ACM and IEEE Computer Society get together to create a list of core topics that...

From Computational Complexity

Unique Golf Winners

In the Masters Golf Tournament held last weekend there were 55 players who had a final score between 10 under par and 9 above. By the pigeonhole principle one would...

From Computational Complexity

We Think Like Our Fields

Have lunch with economists and they'll talk about the decision making processes and equilibriums of everything from politics to sports. Computer scientists worry...

From Computational Complexity

The Value of an Academic Publication

Russell O'Connor's paper was accepted into last years ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Generic Programming. Russell put the final version of his paper on the ArXiv under...

From Computational Complexity

Sanjeev Arora wins ACM-Infosys Award

Sanjeev Arora will receive the 2011 ACM-Infosys Foundation Award, the highest honor ACM gives to a mid-career scientist. Sanjeev Arora is one of the architects...
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