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From Computational Complexity

Is 99.8% Secure Secure?

Guest post by Janos Simon A group of researchers (Arjen Lenstra and collaborators  from EPFL Lausanne and James Hughes from Palo Alto) published a study, Ron was...

From Computational Complexity

The Envelope Please

The conference that shares its namesake with this blog has announced their accepted papers. The 27th Conference on Computational Complexity itself will be heldCambridge...

From Computational Complexity

Aggie for a Day

About 25 years ago I visited a college friend, David Jackson, then a grad student at Texas A&M. He was a Ph.D. student in Food Science doing his doctorate research...

From Computational Complexity

Sloans and More

The Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellows were announced today including Northwestern's own Nicole Immorlica. Other winners in theoretical computer science include Xi...

From Computational Complexity

Barney the Evil Dinosaur

This is an old story from before I had a blog, but one of my favorite on when technology goes bad. In the late 90's, the undergraduate CS coordinator at the time...

From Computational Complexity


A few people have asked me my opinions on Oded Goldreich's essay On Struggle and Competition in Scientific Fields. I read through Oded's essay I expected to highly...

From Computational Complexity

Why do we have awards?

You have a month to get in your nominations for the Donald E. Knuth Prize and the SIGACT Distinguished Service Award. Why do we have these awards and others like...

From Computational Complexity

Ernst Specker (1920-2011)

Martin F

From Computational Complexity

What should we do?

Time for a post by tweet request. Is a wave of action against big publishers' practices brewing?

From Computational Complexity

The Information Flood

Twitter, Facebook, Google+. Information now comes to us as a faucet. If you don't drink it all it disappears forever. Try to find status updates and tweets from...

From Computational Complexity

Being Random and Trivial in Dagstuhl

This week I'm at the Computability, Complexity and Randomness workshop at Dagstuhl in Germany. This meeting brings together two groups, complexity theorists and...

From Computational Complexity

Starting the Year with Turing

This week I was in Boston for the Joint Math Meeting, a combined meeting of the AMS, MAA and a couple of other three-letter math societies with 7000 of my closest...

From Computational Complexity

Complexity Year in Review 2011

Result of the Year goes to the new bounds on Matrix Multiplication by Andrew Stothers and Virginia Vassilevska Williams. It's not every year that we see progress...

From Computational Complexity

Game Changers

Two announcements on Monday connected to my two Alma Maters mark the changing face of universities. New York City chooses Cornell and the Technion to create new...

From Computational Complexity

Algorithmic Driving

In my post last week, my commentors took me to task on my prediction that cars will drive us in ten years. Some thought Americans would wise up and learn to love...

From Computational Complexity

A Great Time to be a Computer Scientist

Ask your friends if they'll be driving an electric car in ten years. The answer: No, cars will be driving us. Today is the 105th anniversary of the birth of computing...

From Computational Complexity


On Saturday, Terrence Fine gave a talk on probability at a workshop at Northwestern. Before the talk he asked who thought probability was subjective (an individual's...

From Computational Complexity

The Death of Complexity Classes?

In the 2011 Complexity proceedings there are three papers that analyze complexity classes, Ryan Williams' great paper on ACC, Russell Impagliazzo's paper on average...

From Computational Complexity

The Jobs Bio

I just finished the Walter Isaacson biography of Steve Jobs. Seems like everyone in the blogosphere has analyzed every sentence in the book, so I won't do that....

From Computational Complexity

Short Bits

Because some things are too long to tweet and too short for their own blog post. What's the algorithm for the perfect sushi? Enjoy it with some cool refreshing...
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