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Security Analysis of TSA PreCheck
From Schneier on Security

Security Analysis of TSA PreCheck

Interesting research: Mark G. Stewart and John Mueller, "Risk-based passenger screening: risk and economic assessment of TSA PreCheck increased security at reduced...

Facebook Using Physical Location to Suggest Friends
From Schneier on Security

Facebook Using Physical Location to Suggest Friends

This could go badly: "People You May Know are people on Facebook that you might know," a Facebook spokesperson said. "We show you people based on mutual friends...

Crowdsourcing a Database of Hotel Rooms
From Schneier on Security

Crowdsourcing a Database of Hotel Rooms

There's an app that allows people to submit photographs of hotel rooms around the world into a centralized database. The idea is that photographs of victims of...

Friday Squid Blogging: Bioluminescence as Camouflage
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Bioluminescence as Camouflage

Interesting: There is one feature of the squid that is not transparent and which could act as a signal to prey ­ the eyes. However, the squid has a developed protection...

Using Social Media to Discover Hidden Wealth
From Schneier on Security

Using Social Media to Discover Hidden Wealth

Stories of burglars using social media to figure out who's on vacation are old hat. Now financial investigators are using social media to find hidden wealth....

Comparing Messaging Apps
From Schneier on Security

Comparing Messaging Apps

Michah Lee has a nice comparison among Signal, WhatsApp, and Allo. In this article, I'm going to compare WhatsApp, Signal, and Allo from a privacy perspective....

Fraudsters are Buying IPv4 Addresses
From Schneier on Security

Fraudsters are Buying IPv4 Addresses

IPv4 addresses are valuable, so criminals are figuring out how to buy or steal them. Hence criminals' interest in ways to land themselves IP addresses, some of...

Issues Regarding Lone-Wolf Terrorism Prevention
From Schneier on Security

Issues Regarding Lone-Wolf Terrorism Prevention

Amy Zegert has some good questions, comparing the Orlando Pulse massacre to the Fort Hood massacre from 2009....

Situational Awareness and Crime Prevention
From Schneier on Security

Situational Awareness and Crime Prevention

Ronald V. Clarke argues for more situational awareness in crime prevention. Turns out if you make crime harder, it goes down. And this has profound policy implications...

Security Behavior of Pro-ISIS Groups on Social Media
From Schneier on Security

Security Behavior of Pro-ISIS Groups on Social Media

Interesting: Since the team had tracked these groups daily, researchers could observe the tactics that pro-ISIS groups use to evade authorities. They found that...

CIA Director John Brennan Pretends Foreign Cryptography Doesn't Exist
From Schneier on Security

CIA Director John Brennan Pretends Foreign Cryptography Doesn't Exist

Last week, CIA director John Brennan told a Senate committee that there wasn't any strong cryptography outside of the US. CIA director John Brennan told US senators...

Nude Photos as Loan Collateral
From Schneier on Security

Nude Photos as Loan Collateral

The New York Times is reporting that some women in China are being forced to supply nude photos of themselves as collateral for getting a loan. Aside from the awfulness...

Friday Squid Blogging: Not Finding a Giant Squid on Google Earth
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Not Finding a Giant Squid on Google Earth

The Internet is buzzing -- at least, my little corner of the Internet -- about finding a 120-meter-long giant squid on Google Earth. It's a false alarm. As usual...

XKCD Phishing Cartoon
From Schneier on Security

XKCD Phishing Cartoon

Funny. The mouseover is the best part....

Computer Science Education Is Security Education
From Schneier on Security

Computer Science Education Is Security Education

This essay argues that teaching computer science at the K-12 level is a matter of national security. I think the argument is even broader. Computers, networks,...

Apple's Differential Privacy
From Schneier on Security

Apple's Differential Privacy

At the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference earlier this week, Apple talked about something called "differential privacy." We know very little about the details...

Infecting Systems by Typosquatting Programming Language Libraries
From Schneier on Security

Infecting Systems by Typosquatting Programming Language Libraries

Typosquatting is an old trick of registering a domain name a typo away from a popular domain name and using it for various nefarious purposes. Nikolai Philipp Tschacher...

Russians Hacking DNC Computers
From Schneier on Security

Russians Hacking DNC Computers

The Washington Post is reporting that Russian hackers penetrated the network of the Democratic National Committee and stole opposition research on Donald Trump....

NSA Using Insecure Word Macros
From Schneier on Security

NSA Using Insecure Word Macros

There's an interesting message in the documents about Snowden that Vice magazine got out of the NSA with a FOIA request. At least in 2012, the NSA was using Word...

Friday Squid Blogging: Beautiful Squid Sculpture
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Beautiful Squid Sculpture

Two years ago, I posted a photograph of a beautiful giant bronze squid sculpture by Kirk McGuire. He has a new sculpture: a squid table base. it's also beautiful...
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