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Extreme Authentication
From Schneier on Security

Extreme Authentication

Exactly how did they confirm it was Bin Laden's body? Officials compared the DNA of the person killed at the Abbottabad compound with the bin Laden "family DNA"...

Osama's Death Causes Spike in Suspicious Package Reports
From Schneier on Security

Osama's Death Causes Spike in Suspicious Package Reports

It's not that the risk is greater, it's that the fear is greater. Data from New York: There were 10,566 reports of suspicious objects across the five boroughs...

"Operation Pumpkin"
From Schneier on Security

"Operation Pumpkin"

Wouldn't it be great if this were not a joke: the security contingency that was in place in the event that Kate Middleton tried to run away just before the wedding...

Unintended Security Consequences of the New Pyrex Recipe
From Schneier on Security

Unintended Security Consequences of the New Pyrex Recipe

This is interesting: When World Kitchen took over the Pyrex brand, it started making more products out of prestressed soda-lime glass instead of borosilicate....

Decline in Cursive Writing Leads to Increase in Forgery Risk?
From Schneier on Security

Decline in Cursive Writing Leads to Increase in Forgery Risk?

According to this article, students are no longer learning how to write in cursive. And, if they are learning it, they're forgetting how. Certainly the ubiquity...

Nikon Image Authentication System Cracked
From Schneier on Security

Nikon Image Authentication System Cracked

Not a lot of details: ElcomSoft research shows that image metadata and image data are processed independently with a SHA-1 hash function. There are two 160-bit...

LiveBlogging the Bin Ladin Assassination
From Schneier on Security

LiveBlogging the Bin Ladin Assassination

"VirtualReality" tweeted the Bin Ladin assassination without realizing it.

Hijacking the Coreflood Botnet
From Schneier on Security

Hijacking the Coreflood Botnet

Earlier this month, the FBI seized control of the Coreflood botnet and shut it down: According to the filing, ISC, under law enforcement supervision, planned to...

Friday Squid Blogging: Giant Squid Eye Preserved in a Jar
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Giant Squid Eye Preserved in a Jar

Great picture from the Smithsonian Institution.

TED Talk
From Schneier on Security

TED Talk

This is a surprise. My TED talk made it to the website. It's a surprise because I didn't speak at TED. I spoke last year at a regional TED event, TEDxPSU. And...

The Cyberwar Arms Race
From Schneier on Security

The Cyberwar Arms Race

Good paper: "Loving the Cyber Bomb? The Dangers of Threat Inflation in Cybersecurity Policy," by Jerry Brito and Tate Watkins. Over the past two years there has...

Social Solidarity as an Effect of the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks
From Schneier on Security

Social Solidarity as an Effect of the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

It's standard sociological theory that a group experiences social solidarity in response to external conflict. This paper studies the phenomenon in the Unitednew...

Security Risks of Running an Open WiFi Network
From Schneier on Security

Security Risks of Running an Open WiFi Network

As I've written before, I run an open WiFi network. It's stories like these that may make me rethink that. The three stories all fall along the same theme: a...

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Fabric Designs
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Fabric Designs

Some of these are actually nice.

Hard-Drive Steganography through Fragmentation
From Schneier on Security

Hard-Drive Steganography through Fragmentation

Clever: Khan and his colleagues have written software that ensures clusters of a file, rather than being positioned at the whim of the disc drive controller chip...

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Prints
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Prints

Okay, this is a little weird: This year's Earth Day will again include the celebrated "squid printing" activity with two big, beautiful Pacific Humboldt squidagain...

Declassified World War I Security Documents
From Schneier on Security

Declassified World War I Security Documents

The CIA has just declassified six (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6) documents about World War I security techniques. (The media is reporting they're CIA documents, but the...

Large-Scale Food Theft
From Schneier on Security

Large-Scale Food Theft

A criminal gang is stealing truckloads of food: Late last month, a gang of thieves stole six tractor-trailer loads of tomatoes and a truck full of cucumbers from...

Costs of Security
From Schneier on Security

Costs of Security

Interesting blog post on the security costs for the $50B Air Force bomber program -- estimated to be $8B. This isn't all computer security, but the original article...

Software as Evidence
From Schneier on Security

Software as Evidence

Increasingly, chains of evidence include software steps. It's not just the RIAA suing people -- and getting it wrong -- based on automatic systems to detect and...
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