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Reverse-Engineering NSA Malware
From Schneier on Security

Reverse-Engineering NSA Malware

Interesting articles reverse-engineering DEITYBOUNCE and BULLDOZER....

New Snowden Interview in Wired
From Schneier on Security

New Snowden Interview in Wired

There's a new article on Edward Snowden in Wired. It's written by longtime NSA watcher James Bamford, who interviewed Snowden is Moscow. There's lots of interesting...

Security as Interface Guarantees
From Schneier on Security

Security as Interface Guarantees

This is a smart and interesting blog post: I prefer to think of security as a class of interface guarantee. In particular, security guarantees are a kind of correctness...

Automatic Scanning for Highly Stressed Individuals
From Schneier on Security

Automatic Scanning for Highly Stressed Individuals

This borders on ridiculous: Chinese scientists are developing a mini-camera to scan crowds for highly stressed individuals, offering law-enforcement officers a...

Irrational Fear of Risks Against Our Children
From Schneier on Security

Irrational Fear of Risks Against Our Children

There's a horrible story of a South Carolina mother arrested for letting her 9-year-old daughter play alone at a park while she was at work. The article linked...

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Proteins and the Brain-Computer Interface
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Proteins and the Brain-Computer Interface

There's a protein in squid that might be useful in getting biological circuits to talk to computer circuits. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk...

Eavesdropping by Visual Vibrations
From Schneier on Security

Eavesdropping by Visual Vibrations

Researchers are able to recover sound through soundproof glass by recording the vibrations of a plastic bag. Researchers at MIT, Microsoft, and Adobe have developed...

Social Engineering a Telemarketer
From Schneier on Security

Social Engineering a Telemarketer

Okay, this is funny....

The US Intelligence Community has a Third Leaker
From Schneier on Security

The US Intelligence Community has a Third Leaker

Ever since The Intercept published this story about the US government's Terrorist Screening Database, the press has been writing about a "second leaker": The Intercept...

Over a Billion Passwords Stolen?
From Schneier on Security

Over a Billion Passwords Stolen?

I've been doing way too many media interviews over this weird New York Times story that a Russian criminal gang has stolen over 1.2 billion passwords. As expected...

Ubiquitous Surveillance in Singapore
From Schneier on Security

Ubiquitous Surveillance in Singapore

Good essay...

SynoLocker Ransomware Demands Bitcoins
From Schneier on Security

SynoLocker Ransomware Demands Bitcoins

Network-attached storage devices made by Synology are being attacked, and their data encrypted, by ransomware that demands $350 in bitcoins (payable anonymously...

Former NSA Director Patenting Computer Security Techniques
From Schneier on Security

Former NSA Director Patenting Computer Security Techniques

Former NSA Director Keith Alexander is patenting a variety of techniques to protect computer networks. We're supposed to believe that he developed these on his...

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Nebula
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Nebula

A nebula that looks like a squid. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered....

The NSA's Patents
From Schneier on Security

The NSA's Patents

Here are all the NSA's patents, in one searchable database. If you find something good, tell us all in the comments....

The Fundamental Insecurity of USB
From Schneier on Security

The Fundamental Insecurity of USB

This is pretty impressive: Most of us learned long ago not to run executable files from sketchy USB sticks. But old-fashioned USB hygiene can't stop this newer...

Debit Card Override Hack
From Schneier on Security

Debit Card Override Hack

Clever: Parrish allegedly visited Apple Stores and tried to buy products with four different debit cards, which were all closed by his respective financial institutions...

The Costs of NSA Surveillance
From Schneier on Security

The Costs of NSA Surveillance

New America Foundation has a new paper on the costs of NSA surveillance: economic costs to US business, costs to US foreign policy, and costs to security. News...

Conference on Deception
From Schneier on Security

Conference on Deception

There was a conference on deception earlier this month. Sophie Van Der Zee has a summary of the sessions....

Russia Paying for a Tor Break
From Schneier on Security

Russia Paying for a Tor Break

Russia has put out a tender on its official government procurement website for anyone who can identify Tor users. The reward of $114,000 seems pretty cheap for...
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