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Friday Squid Blogging: Bobtail Squid Photo
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Bobtail Squid Photo

Pretty. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered.

Opsec Details of Snowden Meeting with Greenwald and Poitras
From Schneier on Security

Opsec Details of Snowden Meeting with Greenwald and Poitras

I don't like stories about the personalities in the Snowden affair, because it detracts from the NSA and the policy issues. But I'm a sucker for operational security...

More on the NSA Commandeering the Internet
From Schneier on Security

More on the NSA Commandeering the Internet

If there's any confirmation that the U.S. government has commandeered the Internet for worldwide surveillance, it is what happened with Lavabit earlier this month...

How Many Leakers Came Before Snowden?
From Schneier on Security

How Many Leakers Came Before Snowden?

Assume it's really true that the NSA has no idea what documents Snowden took, and that they wouldn't even know he'd taken anything if he hadn't gone public. The...

The Federal Trade Commission and Privacy
From Schneier on Security

The Federal Trade Commission and Privacy

New paper on the FTC and its actions to protect privacy: Abstract: One of the great ironies about information privacy law is that the primary regulation of privacy...

Feds Target Polygraph-Beating Company
From Schneier on Security

Feds Target Polygraph-Beating Company

A company that teaches people how to beat lie detectors is under investigation.

Evading Internet Censorship
From Schneier on Security

Evading Internet Censorship

This research project by Brandon Wiley -- the tool is called "Dust" -- looks really interesting. Here's the description of his Defcon talk: Abstract: The greatest...

More on NSA Data Collection
From Schneier on Security

More on NSA Data Collection

There's an article from Wednesday's Wall Street Journal that gives more details about the NSA's data collection efforts. The system has the capacity to reach roughly...

Detaining David Miranda
From Schneier on Security

Detaining David Miranda

Last Sunday, David Miranda was detained while changing planes at London Heathrow Airport by British authorities for nine hours under a controversial British law...

Protecting Against Leakers
From Schneier on Security

Protecting Against Leakers

Ever since Edward Snowden walked out of a National Security Agency facility in May with electronic copies of thousands of classified documents, the finger-pointing...

"The Next Generation Communications Privacy Act"
From Schneier on Security

"The Next Generation Communications Privacy Act"

Orin Kerr envisions what the ECPA should look like today: Abstract: In 1986, Congress enacted the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) to regulate government...

Friday Squid Blogging: New Research in How Squids Change Color
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: New Research in How Squids Change Color

Interesting: Structural colors rely exclusively on the density and shape of the material rather than its chemical properties. The latest research from the UCSB...

How Security Becomes Banal
From Schneier on Security

How Security Becomes Banal

Interesting paper: "The Banality of Security: The Curious Case of Surveillance Cameras," by Benjamin Goold, Ian Loader, and Angélica Thumala (full paper is behind...

Hacking Consumer Devices
From Schneier on Security

Hacking Consumer Devices

Last weekend, a Texas couple apparently discovered that the electronic baby monitor in their children's bedroom had been hacked. According to a local TV station...

Susan Landau Article on the Snowden Documents
From Schneier on Security

Susan Landau Article on the Snowden Documents

Really good article by Susan Landau on the Snowden documents and what they mean.

Measuring Entropy and its Applications to Encryption
From Schneier on Security

Measuring Entropy and its Applications to Encryption

There have been a bunch of articles about an information theory paper with vaguely sensational headlines like "Encryption is less secure than we thought" and "Research...

Teens and Privacy
From Schneier on Security

Teens and Privacy

Not much surprising in this new survey. Many teens ages 12-17 report that they usually figure out how to manage content sharing and privacy settings on their own...

The Cryptopocalypse
From Schneier on Security

The Cryptopocalypse

There was a presentation at Black Hat last month warning us of a "factoring cryptopocalypse": a moment when factoring numbers and solving the discrete log problem...

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Ink as Food Coloring
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Ink as Food Coloring

Alton Brown suggests it for ice cream. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered.

<i>Wired</i> Names "Schneier on Security" to Best Blog List
From Schneier on Security

Wired Names "Schneier on Security" to Best Blog List

I made the list of Wired's best "Government and Security" blogs.
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