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Oblivious DNS
From Schneier on Security

Oblivious DNS

Interesting idea: ...we present Oblivious DNS (ODNS), which is a new design of the DNS ecosystem that allows current DNS servers to remain unchanged and increases...

Hijacking Emergency Sirens
From Schneier on Security

Hijacking Emergency Sirens

Turns out it's easy to hijack emergency sirens with a radio transmitter....

The DMCA and its Chilling Effects on Research
From Schneier on Security

The DMCA and its Chilling Effects on Research

The Center for Democracy and Technology has a good summary of the current state of the DMCA's chilling effects on security research. To underline the nature of...

Friday Squid Blogging: Eating Firefly Squid
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Eating Firefly Squid

In Tokama, Japan, you can watch the firefly squid catch and eat them in various ways: "It's great to eat hotaruika around when the seasons change, which is when...

COPPA Compliance
From Schneier on Security

COPPA Compliance

Interesting research: "'Won't Somebody Think of the Children?' Examining COPPA Compliance at Scale": Abstract: We present a scalable dynamic analysis framework...

Cybersecurity Insurance
From Schneier on Security

Cybersecurity Insurance

Good article about how difficult it is to insure an organization against Internet attacks, and how expensive the insurance is. Companies like retailers, banks,...

The Digital Security Exchange Is Live
From Schneier on Security

The Digital Security Exchange Is Live

Last year I wrote about the Digital Security Exchange. The project is live: The DSX works to strengthen the digital resilience of U.S. civil society groups by improving...

DARPA Funding in AI-Assisted Cybersecurity
From Schneier on Security

DARPA Funding in AI-Assisted Cybersecurity

DARPA is launching a program aimed at vulnerability discovery via human-assisted AI. The new DARPA program is called CHESS (Computers and Humans Exploring Software...

Obscure E-Mail Vulnerability
From Schneier on Security

Obscure E-Mail Vulnerability

This vulnerability is a result of an interaction between two different ways of handling e-mail addresses. Gmail ignores dots in addresses, so bruce.schneier@gmail...

Friday Squid Blogging: Sake Decanters Made of Dried Squid
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Sake Decanters Made of Dried Squid

This is interesting. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered. Read my blog posting guidelines...

Subverting Backdoored Encrryption
From Schneier on Security

Subverting Backdoored Encrryption

This is a really interesting research result. This paper proves that two parties can create a secure communications cannel using a communications system with a...

Public Hearing on IoT Risks
From Schneier on Security

Public Hearing on IoT Risks

The US Consumer Product Safety Commission is holding hearings on IoT risks: The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC, Commission, or we) will conduct a...

Musical Ciphers
From Schneier on Security

Musical Ciphers

Interesting history....

Friday Squid Blogging: Market Squid in Alaskan Waters
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Market Squid in Alaskan Waters

Rising sea temperatures is causing market squid to move north into Alaskan waters. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories...

Unlocking iPhones with Dead People's Fingerprints
From Schneier on Security

Unlocking iPhones with Dead People's Fingerprints

It's routine for US police to unlock iPhones with the fingerprints of dead people. It seems only to work with recently dead people....

Facebook and Cambridge Analytica
From Schneier on Security

Facebook and Cambridge Analytica

In the wake of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, news articles and commentators have focused on what Facebook knows about us. A lot, it turns out. It collects data...

Another Branch Prediction Attack
From Schneier on Security

Another Branch Prediction Attack

When Spectre and Meltdown were first announced earlier this year, pretty much everyone predicted that there would be many more attacks targeting branch prediction...

Breaking the Anonymity in the Cryptocurrency Monero
From Schneier on Security

Breaking the Anonymity in the Cryptocurrency Monero

Researchers have exploited a flaw in the cryptocurrency Monero to break the anonymity of transactions. Research paper. BoingBoing post....

Tracing Stolen Bitcoin
From Schneier on Security

Tracing Stolen Bitcoin

Ross Anderson has a really interesting paper on tracing stolen bitcoin. From a blog post: Previous attempts to track tainted coins had used either the "poison"...

Fooling Face Recognition with Infrared Light
From Schneier on Security

Fooling Face Recognition with Infrared Light

Yet another development in the arms race between facial recognition systems and facial-recognition-system foolers. BoingBoing post....
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