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? Rehost And Carry On
From Wild WebMink

? Rehost And Carry On

I spent the last two days in Brussels with many of the key participants

New ventures: OpenDJ,
From Wild WebMink

New ventures: OpenDJ,

Friday was a busy day full of news for me. After an exhausting day full of conference interventions on Thursday at Open World Forum (a total of five), Friday was...

From Wild WebMink


In my “state of the FOSS world” comments during the opening plenary of Open World Forum in Paris recently, I observed how important it is to remember our founding...

? Unplanned Consequences
From Wild WebMink

? Unplanned Consequences

The “legal blackmail” business: inside a P2P settlement factory Very interesting article. The practice of “legal blackmail” extends further than this, of course...

? Transitions
From Wild WebMink

? Transitions

LibreOffice – A fresh page for OpenOffice This is a good and balanced article that is worth reading. At Sun I tried several times to get a Foundation started for...

? Travel Security
From Wild WebMink

? Travel Security

I have been travelling this week on Europe’s low-cost airlines, and have realised that there is only one way to make air travel secure, and that is to take security...

Why Open Source Is Free
From Wild WebMink

Why Open Source Is Free

My classic essay on Payment At The Point Of Value has finally made it on to the Essays page on this site. Now that community-centric open source is once again returning...

links for 2010-09-27
From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-09-27

Meet the Defenders of Open-Source Software I can't decide whether I am pleased there are people doing this or concerned that their actions become the focus of public...

? Copyrights or No Rights
From Wild WebMink

? Copyrights or No Rights

Guess What, You Don

links for 2010-09-23
From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-09-23

BSA's Piracy Numbers: Less than They Seem Glyn's research here is very useful. The BSA use of statistics is very regrettable, as is their use of inuendo and framing...

? Copyright Aggregation Essay
From Wild WebMink

? Copyright Aggregation Essay

My essay on copyright aggregation in open source projects has finally moved to the Essays section of the web site; future updates and edits will happen there.

links for 2010-09-14
From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-09-14

Twitter kills the password anti-pattern, but at what cost? Jon Udell argues that the switch to OAuth comes at the cost of a loss of flexibility and the potential...

links for 2010-09-14
From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-09-14

Commons Law – Great to see UK open source law expert Andrew Katz is now blogging on the (steadily expanding) open source blog at ComputerWorldUK...

? Wise Handling
From Wild WebMink

? Wise Handling

Twitter kills the password anti-pattern, but at what cost? Jon Udell argues that the switch to OAuth comes at the cost of a loss of flexibility and the potential...

? Community Types Essay
From Wild WebMink

? Community Types Essay

My essay on Community Types is now available in the Essays section of the site. It defines what I mean by terms like “co-developer” and “deployer-developer” when...

links for 2010-09-11
From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-09-11

Licensing Change for Solaris 10 and Solaris Cluster It's still only an evaluation license, but at least they have got rid of the limited period. (tags: Solaris...

links for 2010-09-10
From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-09-10

A Peek Behind the Curtain of the Texas Antitrust Complaints against Google Fascinating and detailed analysis of the anti-trust complaints against Google. The conspiracy...

? Will Run And Run
From Wild WebMink

? Will Run And Run

FSF responds to Oracle v. Google and the threat of software patents “Google could have avoided all this by building Android on top of IcedTea, a GPL-covered Java...

? Transparency: Wrong and Right
From Wild WebMink

? Transparency: Wrong and Right

The fishy mandate of ACTA If you thought there was something fishy about the European Commission engaging in secret negotiations at ACTA behind the backs of the...

links for 2010-09-07
From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-09-07

Fair, Reasonable And Non-Discriminatory…Ain't Good pointer here by Glyn to an action we can take to check the effects of pro-patent lobbying in Europe. He misses...
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