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From Computational Complexity

Can I make money in the betting markets based on what i ``know'' about the Republican VP choide

The betting markets for the Republican VP are here.Assume that I am very confident that the VP won't be Nikki Haley. I can buy a NO share for 90 cents (that may...

From Computational Complexity

Forgetting your password is usually not a big deal. Unless....

When I forget my password I can usually reset it and get back to where I was.  Of course, before I get access I am nervous that its not going to work. And there...

From Computational Complexity

In the bad old days we had Punchcards. How did people deal with that?

In the fall of 1976 I started as a Freshman at SUNY Stony Brook intending to major in Math and Computer Science.  I took Honors Calculus I and CS 1. The CS course...

From Computational Complexity

Theory that really DOES apply: Security.

 I recently read and wrote a review of                               Math for Security by Daniel Riley.(For the review see here. It will appear in SIGACT News at...

From Computational Complexity

When did Math Get So Hard- Part 2

Click here for When did Math Get so Hard-Part 1, though it was not called Part 1 at the time. This post is not so much about WHEN math got so hard but an example...

From Computational Complexity

Paper is a tech-free way to preserve writing. Is there a tech-free way to preserve sound (e.g., music)

I blogged about ACM going mostly paper-free, and had some PROS and CONS about paper-free, in this blog here. One of my many astute readers named Abigail pointed...

From Computational Complexity

Young Sheldon gets two things spot-on/Am I more famous than.../Might YS become TS?

 Young Sheldon  is a TV show that I used to only watch on airplanes, but then i got into it and am now up to date. The wonders of technology! Note that catching...

From Computational Complexity

ACM to go paper-free! Good? Bad?

The ACM (Association of Computing Machinery) will soon stop having print versions of most its publications. Rather than list which ones are going paper free, Iare...

From Computational Complexity

Asymptotics of R(4,k)- a new result!

 At the workshop Ramsey Theory: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow, Edited by Alexander Soifer, 2011. (There is a printed proceedings that you can find.)  I saw Joel...

From Computational Complexity

The CONTRADICTION of Margaritaville and other songs

Jimmy Buffett passed away on Sept 2, 2023. His Wikipedia entry (see here) says his death was peaceful and he was surrounded by friends, family, and his dog, sohere...

From Computational Complexity

Theorems and Lemmas and Proofs, Oh My!

I was recently asked by a non-mathematician about the difference between the terms Theorem, Lemma, etc. My first reaction was I probably have a blog post on that...

From Computational Complexity

Why I have some sympathy for the Simulation Theory (We are all characters in a video game.)

There are some people who believe that we are all characters in a video game written by Abisola (this is sometimes called The Simulation Hypothesis). I first dismissed...

From Computational Complexity

Permutable Primes and Compatible Primes

This post is about an open problems column by Gasarch-Gezalyn-Patrick so they can be considered co-authors on this post. The column is here.Known: A permutablehere...

From Computational Complexity

Another problem with CHATgpt

 I was giving a recruiting talk for my REU program and I had some slides with testimonials from students:-------------------------------------------------------...

From Computational Complexity

"Never give AI the Nuclear Codes" Really? Have you seen Dr. Strangelove?

(I covered a simlar topic here.)  In the June 2023 issue of The Atlantic is an article titled:                                    Never Give AI Intelligence the...

From Computational Complexity

Finding and answer to a math question: 1983 vs 2023.

In 1983, as a grad student, I knew that HALT \( \le_T \) KOLG but didn't know how to prove it. I asked around and A MONTH later through a series of connectionshere...

From Computational Complexity

A futher comment on Chernoff--- and the future of ....

Ravi Boppana recently did a guest blog on Chernoff turning 100 for us here. Consider this unpublished comment on that post:  -----------------------------------...

From Computational Complexity

Can you put n pennies on an n x n chessboard so that all of the distances are distinct/how to look that up?

 In Jan 2023 I went to the Joint Math Meeting of the AMS and the MAA and took notes on things to look up later. In one of the talks they discussed a problem and...

From Computational Complexity

Ted Kaczynski was at one time the worlds most famous living mathematician

(This post is inspired by the death of Ted Kaczynski who died on June 10, 2023.) From 1978 until 1995 23 mailbombs were send to various people. 3 caused deaths,...

From Computational Complexity

Posting a book online with a password- that you broadcast.

 Recently Lance, at the request of  Vijay Vazirani, tweeted the following (I paraphrase)------------------------------------------------------------------------...
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