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An Incredibly Insecure Voting Machine
From Schneier on Security

An Incredibly Insecure Voting Machine

Wow: The weak passwords -- which are hard-coded and can't be changed -- were only one item on a long list of critical defects uncovered by the review. The Wi-Fi...

"Hinky" in Action
From Schneier on Security

"Hinky" in Action

In Beyond Fear I wrote about trained officials recognizing "hinky" and how it differs from profiling: Ressam had to clear customs before boarding the ferry. He...

Hacking Airplanes
From Schneier on Security

Hacking Airplanes

Imagine this: A terrorist hacks into a commercial airplane from the ground, takes over the controls from the pilots and flies the plane into the ground. It sounds...

Hacker Detained by FBI after Tweeting about Airplane Software Vulnerabilities
From Schneier on Security

Hacker Detained by FBI after Tweeting about Airplane Software Vulnerabilities

This is troubling: Chris Roberts was detained by FBI agents on Wednesday as he was deplaning his United flight, which had just flown from Denver to Syracuse, New...

Counting the US Intelligence Community Leakers
From Schneier on Security

Counting the US Intelligence Community Leakers

It's getting hard to keep track of the US intelligence community leakers without a scorecard. So here's my attempt: Leaker #1: Chelsea Manning. Leaker #2: Edward...

New Top Secret Information on the US's Drone Program
From Schneier on Security

New Top Secret Information on the US's Drone Program

New operational information on the US's drone program, published by the Intercept and Der Speigel....

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Hoodie
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Hoodie

This is neat. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered....

The No-Fly List and Due Process
From Schneier on Security

The No-Fly List and Due Process

The Congressional Research Service has released a report on the no-fly list and current litigation that it violates due process....

How Many Vulnerabilities Are there in Software?
From Schneier on Security

How Many Vulnerabilities Are there in Software?

Dan Geer proposes some techniques for answering this question....

Metal Detectors at Sports Stadiums
From Schneier on Security

Metal Detectors at Sports Stadiums

Fans attending Major League Baseball games are being greeted in a new way this year: with metal detectors at the ballparks. Touted as a counterterrorism measure...

John Oliver Interviews Edward Snowden
From Schneier on Security

John Oliver Interviews Edward Snowden

Wow, what an amazing segment and interview....

Two Thoughtful Essays on the Future of Privacy
From Schneier on Security

Two Thoughtful Essays on the Future of Privacy

Paul Krugman argues that we'll give up our privacy because we want to emulate the rich, who are surrounded by servants who know everything about them: Consider...

China's Great Cannon
From Schneier on Security

China's Great Cannon

Citizen Lab has issued a report on China's "Great Cannon" attack tool, used in the recent DDoS attack against GitHub. We show that, while the attack infrastructure...

Alternatives to the FBI's Manufacturing of Terrorists
From Schneier on Security

Alternatives to the FBI's Manufacturing of Terrorists

John Mueller suggests an alternative to the FBI's practice of encouraging terrorists and then arresting them for something they would have never have planned on...

Pepper-Spray Drones
From Schneier on Security

Pepper-Spray Drones

India has purchased pepper-spray drones....

Attacking Researchers Who Expose Voting Vulnerabilities
From Schneier on Security

Attacking Researchers Who Expose Voting Vulnerabilities

Researchers found voting-system flaws in New South Wales, and were attacked by voting officials and the company that made the machines....

Lone-Wolf Terrorism
From Schneier on Security

Lone-Wolf Terrorism

The Southern Poverty Law Center warns of the rise of lone-wolf terrorism. From a security perspective, lone wolves are much harder to prevent because there is no...

Cell Phone Opsec
From Schneier on Security

Cell Phone Opsec

Here's an article on making secret phone calls with cell phones. His step-by-step instructions for making a clandestine phone call are as follows: Analyze your...

Bluetooth Doorlock
From Schneier on Security

Bluetooth Doorlock

Neat, but I'll bet it can be hacked....

Friday Squid Blogging: Giant Squid Video
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Giant Squid Video

Giant squid caught on video. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered....
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