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Me on EconTalk
From Schneier on Security

Me on EconTalk

Another audio interview; this one is mostly about security and power.

My Talk at Google
From Schneier on Security

My Talk at Google

Last week, I gave a talk at Google. It's another talk about power and security, my continually evolving topic-of-the-moment that could very well become my next...

Preventing Cell Phone Theft through Benefit Denial
From Schneier on Security

Preventing Cell Phone Theft through Benefit Denial

Adding a remote kill switch to cell phones would deter theft. Here we can see how the rise of the surveillance state permeates everything about computer security...

Malware that Foils Two-Factor Authentication
From Schneier on Security

Malware that Foils Two-Factor Authentication

This is an interesting article about a new breed of malware that also hijack's the victim's phone text messaging system, to intercept one-time passwords sent via...

Pre-9/11 NSA Thinking
From Schneier on Security

Pre-9/11 NSA Thinking

This quote is from the Spring 1997 issue of CRYPTOLOG, the internal NSA newsletter. The writer is William J. Black, Jr., the Director's Special Assistant for Information...

Lessons from Biological Security
From Schneier on Security

Lessons from Biological Security

Nice essay: The biological world is also open source in the sense that threats are always present, largely unpredictable, and always changing. Because of this,...

Secrecy and Privacy
From Schneier on Security

Secrecy and Privacy

Interesting article on the history of, and the relationship between, secrecy and privacy As a matter of historical analysis, the relationship between secrecy and...

Cracking the Kryptos Sculpture
From Schneier on Security

Cracking the Kryptos Sculpture

Great story.

MAD in Cyberspace
From Schneier on Security

MAD in Cyberspace

Ron Beckstrom gives a talk (video and transcript) about "Mutually Assured Destruction," "Mutually Assured Disruption," and "Mutually Assured Dependence."

Spear Phishing Attack Against the <cite>Financial Times</cite>
From Schneier on Security

Spear Phishing Attack Against the Financial Times

Interesting story with a lot of details.

The Future of Satellite Surveillance
From Schneier on Security

The Future of Satellite Surveillance

Pretty scary -- and cool. Remember, it's not any one thing that's worrisome; it's everything together.

Friday Squid Blogging: How the Acidification of the Oceans Affects Squid
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: How the Acidification of the Oceans Affects Squid

It's not good. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered.

Me on the Lou Dobbs Show
From Schneier on Security

Me on the Lou Dobbs Show

I was on the Lou Dobbs Show earlier this week.

US Offensive Cyberwar Policy
From Schneier on Security

US Offensive Cyberwar Policy

Today, the United States is conducting offensive cyberwar actions around the world. More than passively eavesdropping, we're penetrating and damaging foreign networks...

The Japanese Response to Terrorism
From Schneier on Security

The Japanese Response to Terrorism

Lessons from Japan's response to Aum Shinrikyo: Yet what's as remarkable as Aum's potential for mayhem is how little of it, on balance, they actually caused. Don't...

New Details on Skype Eavesdropping
From Schneier on Security

New Details on Skype Eavesdropping

This article, on the cozy relationship between the commercial personal-data industry and the intelligence industry, has new information on the security of Skype...

Love Letter to an NSA Agent
From Schneier on Security

Love Letter to an NSA Agent

A fine piece: "A Love Letter to the NSA Agent who is Monitoring my Online Activity." A similar sentiment is expressed in this video.

The US Uses Vulnerability Data for Offensive Purposes
From Schneier on Security

The US Uses Vulnerability Data for Offensive Purposes

Companies allow US intelligence to exploit vulnerabilities before it patches them: Microsoft Corp. (MSFT), the world's largest software company, provides intelligence...

Petition the NSA to Subject its Surveillance Program to Public Comment
From Schneier on Security

Petition the NSA to Subject its Surveillance Program to Public Comment

I have signed a petition calling on the NSA to "suspend its domestic surveillance program pending public comment." This is what's going on: In a request today...

Finding Sociopaths on Facebook
From Schneier on Security

Finding Sociopaths on Facebook

On his blog, Scott Adams suggests that it might be possible to identify sociopaths based on their interactions on social media. My hypothesis is that scienceknow...
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