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dateMore Than a Year Ago

Al Qaeda Steganography
From Schneier on Security

Al Qaeda Steganography

The reports are still early, but it seems that a bunch of terrorist planning documents were found embedded in a digital file of a porn movie. Several weeks later...

Cybercrime as a Tragedy of the Commons
From Schneier on Security

Cybercrime as a Tragedy of the Commons

Two very interesting points in this essay on cybercrime. The first is that cybercrime isn't as big a problem as conventional wisdom makes it out to be. We have...

When Investigation Fails to Prevent Terrorism
From Schneier on Security

When Investigation Fails to Prevent Terrorism

I've long advocated investigation, intelligence, and emergency response as the places where we can most usefully spend our counterterrorism dollars. Here's anthat...

JCS Chairman Sows Cyberwar Fears
From Schneier on Security

JCS Chairman Sows Cyberwar Fears

Army General Martin E. Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said: A cyber attack could stop our society in its tracks. Gadzooks. A scared populace...

Vote for <i>Liars and Outliers</i>
From Schneier on Security

Vote for Liars and Outliers

Actionable Books is having a vote to determine which of four books to summarize on their site. If you are willing, please go there and vote for Liars and Outliers...

Friday Squid Blogging: Chesapeake Bay Squid
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Chesapeake Bay Squid

Great pictures. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered.

Attack Mitigation
From Schneier on Security

Attack Mitigation

At the RSA Conference this year, I noticed a trend of companies that have products and services designed to help victims recover from attacks. Kelly Jackson Higgins...

Biometric Passports Make it Harder for Undercover CIA Officers
From Schneier on Security

Biometric Passports Make it Harder for Undercover CIA Officers

Last year, I wrote about how social media sites are making it harder than ever for undercover police officers. This story talks about how biometric passports are...

Fear and the Attention Economy
From Schneier on Security

Fear and the Attention Economy

danah boyd is thinking about -- in a draft essay, and as a recording of a presentation -- fear and the attention economy. Basically, she is making the argument...

Amazing Round of "Split or Steal"
From Schneier on Security

Amazing Round of "Split or Steal"

In Liars and Outliers, I use the metaphor of the Prisoner's Dilemma to exemplify the conflict between group interest and self-interest. There are a gazillion academic...

Alan Turing Cryptanalysis Papers
From Schneier on Security

Alan Turing Cryptanalysis Papers

GCHQ, the UK government's communications headquarters, has released two new -- well, 70 years old, but new to us -- cryptanalysis documents by Alan Turing. The...

Friday Squid Blogging: Extracting Squid Ink
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Extracting Squid Ink

How to extract squid ink. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered.

<i>Liars & Outliers</i> Update
From Schneier on Security

Liars & Outliers Update

Liars & Outliers has been available for about two months, and is selling well both in hardcover and e-book formats. More importantly, I'm very pleased with the...

TSA Behavioral Detection Statistics
From Schneier on Security

TSA Behavioral Detection Statistics

Interesting data from the U.S. Government Accounting Office: But congressional auditors have questions about other efficiencies as well, like having 3,000 "behavior...

Dance Moves As an Identifier
From Schneier on Security

Dance Moves As an Identifier

A burglar was identified by his dance moves, captured on security cameras: "The 16-year-old juvenile suspect is known for his 'swag,' or signature dance move,"...

Smart Meter Hacks
From Schneier on Security

Smart Meter Hacks

Brian Krebs writes about smart meter hacks: But it appears that some of these meters are smarter than others in their ability to deter hackers and block unauthorized...

Password Security at Linode
From Schneier on Security

Password Security at Linode

Here's something good: We have implemented sophisticated brute force protection for Linode Manager user accounts that combines a time delay on failed attempts,...

Stolen Phone Database
From Schneier on Security

Stolen Phone Database

This article talks about a database of stolen cell phone IDs that will be used to deny service. While I think this is a good idea, I don't know how much it would...

Forever-Day Bugs
From Schneier on Security

Forever-Day Bugs

That's a nice turn of phrase: Forever day is a play on "zero day," a phrase used to classify vulnerabilities that come under attack before the responsible manufacturer...

Outliers in Intelligence Analysis
From Schneier on Security

Outliers in Intelligence Analysis

From the CIA journal Studies in Intelligence: "Capturing the Potential of Outlier Ideas in the Intelligence Community." In war you will generally find that the...
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