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Movie-Plot Threats at the U.S. Capitol
From Schneier on Security

Movie-Plot Threats at the U.S. Capitol

This would make a great movie: Rep. Dan Burton, R-Ind., renewed his call for the installation of an impenetrable, see-through security shield around the viewing...

More Stuxnet News
From Schneier on Security

More Stuxnet News

This long New York Times article includes some interesting revelations. The article claims that Stuxnet was a joint Israeli-American project, and that its effectiveness...

New Revelations in the Mahmoud al-Mabhouh Assassination
From Schneier on Security

New Revelations in the Mahmoud al-Mabhouh Assassination

I wrote a lot last year about the assassination of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in Dubai. There's a new article by an Israeli investigative journalist that tells the story...

Friday Squid Blogging: Deep-Sea Squid Video
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Deep-Sea Squid Video

"Anthology of Deep-Sea Squids," from the Monterey Bay Aquarium.

Me on Airport Security
From Schneier on Security

Me on Airport Security

Last week, I spoke at an airport security conference hosted by EPIC: The Stripping of Freedom: A Careful Scan of TSA Security Procedures. Here's the video of my...

Loaded Gun Slips Past TSA
From Schneier on Security

Loaded Gun Slips Past TSA

I'm not really worried about mistakes like this. Sure, a gun slips through occasionally, and a knife slips through even more often. (I'm sure the TSA doesn't catch...

Surviving a Terrorist's Nuclear Attack
From Schneier on Security

Surviving a Terrorist's Nuclear Attack

Interesting reading, mostly for the probable effects of a terrorist-sized nuclear bomb. A terrorist bomb is likely to be relatively small -- possibly only a fraction...

Stealing SIM Cards from Traffic Lights
From Schneier on Security

Stealing SIM Cards from Traffic Lights

Johannesburg installed hundreds of networked traffic lights on its streets. The lights use a cellular modem and a SIM card to communicate. Those lights introduced...

The Security Threat of Forged Law-Enforcement Credentials
From Schneier on Security

The Security Threat of Forged Law-Enforcement Credentials

Here's a U.S. Army threat assessment of forged law-enforcement credentials. The authors bought a bunch of fake badges: Between November 2009 and March 2010, undercover...

Attacking High-Frequency Trading Networks
From Schneier on Security

Attacking High-Frequency Trading Networks

Turns out you can make money by manipulating the network latency. cPacket has developed a proof of concept showing that these side-channel attacks can be usedthis...

"Homeland Security Hasn't Made Us Safer"
From Schneier on Security

"Homeland Security Hasn't Made Us Safer"

This will be nothing new to readers of this blog, but it's nice to read other people saying it too.

James Fallows on Political Shootings
From Schneier on Security

James Fallows on Political Shootings

Interesting: So the train of logic is: anything that can be called an "assassination" is inherently political; very often the "politics" are obscure, personal...

Friday Squid Blogging: Biggest Squid Ever
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Biggest Squid Ever

It's an oil field: Brazil's state-run Petrobras confirmed Wednesday that oil fields recently discovered offshore contained 8.3 billion barrels of recoverable crude...

The Social Dynamics of Terror
From Schneier on Security

The Social Dynamics of Terror

Good essay: Nineteenth-century anarchists promoted what they called the "propaganda of the deed," that is, the use of violence as a symbolic action to make a larger...

SMS of Death
From Schneier on Security

SMS of Death

This will be hard to fix: Using only Short Message Service (SMS) communications

Sony PS3 Security Broken
From Schneier on Security

Sony PS3 Security Broken

Sony used an ECDSA signature scheme to protect the PS3. Trouble is, they didn't pay sufficient attention to their random number generator.

Eavesdropping on GSM Calls
From Schneier on Security

Eavesdropping on GSM Calls

It's easy and cheap: Speaking at the Chaos Computer Club (CCC) Congress in Berlin on Tuesday, a pair of researchers demonstrated a start-to-finish means of eavesdropping...

Guard Towers at WalMart
From Schneier on Security

Guard Towers at WalMart

This feels very creepy and police-state-like. What on earth could WalMart be worried about?

Polar Bears Destroying Hidden Cameras
From Schneier on Security

Polar Bears Destroying Hidden Cameras

Watch the video. What valuable security lessons does this teach? EDITED TO ADD (1/3): And why aren't the polar bears destroying the hidden cameras that are...

Friday Squid Blogging: Research into Squid Skin
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Research into Squid Skin

DoD awarded a $6M grant to study squid skin: "Our internal nickname for this project is 'squid skin,' but it is really about fundamental research," said Naomi...
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