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Friday Squid Blogging: Beautiful Squid Sketches
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Beautiful Squid Sketches

The Cephalopoda.

My Recording Debut
From Schneier on Security

My Recording Debut

Okay, so this isn't a normal blog post. It's not about security. I've been playing doumbek with a band at the Minneapolis Renaissance Festival called Brother...

Me on Cyberwar
From Schneier on Security

Me on Cyberwar

During the cyberwar debate a few months ago, I said this: If we frame this discussion as a war discussion, then what you do when there's a threat of war is you...

Master's Theses in Homeland Security
From Schneier on Security

Master's Theses in Homeland Security

This is a list of master's theses from the Naval Postgraduate School's Center for Homeland Defense and Security, this year. Some interesting stuff in there....

Wiretapping the Internet
From Schneier on Security

Wiretapping the Internet

On Monday, The New York Times reported that President Obama will seek sweeping laws enabling law enforcement to more easily eavesdrop on the internet. Technologies...

NSA Publications
From Schneier on Security

NSA Publications

There is an interesting list of NSA publications in this document, pages 30

Stealing Money from a Safe with a Vacuum
From Schneier on Security

Stealing Money from a Safe with a Vacuum

Clever: The burglars broke into their latest store near Paris and drilled a hole in the "pneumatic tube" that siphons money from the checkout to the strong-room...

Cultural Cognition of Risk
From Schneier on Security

Cultural Cognition of Risk

This is no surprise: The people behind the new study start by asking a pretty obvious question: "Why do members of the public disagree

Isolating Terrorist Cells as a Security Countermeasure
From Schneier on Security

Isolating Terrorist Cells as a Security Countermeasure

It's better to try to isolate parts of a terrorist network than to attempt to destroy it as a whole, at least according to this model: Vos Fellman explains how...

New Attack Against ASP.NET
From Schneier on Security

New Attack Against ASP.NET

It's serious: The problem lies in the way that ASP.NET, Microsoft's popular Web framework, implements the AES encryption algorithm to protect the integrity ofdemo...

Friday Squid Blogging: "Truck Carrying Squid Crashes In Broccoli Field"
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: "Truck Carrying Squid Crashes In Broccoli Field"

You can't make up a headline like that.

Real-Time NSA Eavesdropping
From Schneier on Security

Real-Time NSA Eavesdropping

In an article about Robert Woodward's new book, Obama's Wars, this is listed as one of the book's "disclosures": A new capability developed by the National Security...

Analysis of Image File Metadata
From Schneier on Security

Analysis of Image File Metadata

As a photographer, I've wondered about this.

From Schneier on Security


Extremely persistent browser cookies: evercookie is a javascript API available that produces extremely persistent cookies in a browser. Its goal is to identify...

Details Removed from Book at Request of U.S. Department of Defense
From Schneier on Security

Details Removed from Book at Request of U.S. Department of Defense

From the AFP: A publisher has agreed to remove US intelligence details from a memoir by a former army officer in Afghanistan after the Pentagon raised last-minute...

The Stuxnet Worm
From Schneier on Security

The Stuxnet Worm

It's impressive: The Stuxnet worm is a "groundbreaking" piece of malware so devious in its use of unpatched vulnerabilities, so sophisticated in its multipronged...

Prepaid Electricity Meter Fraud
From Schneier on Security

Prepaid Electricity Meter Fraud

New attack: Criminals across the UK have hacked the new keycard system used to top up pre-payment energy meters and are going door-to-door, dressed as power company...

From Schneier on Security


I stayed clear of Haystack -- the anonymity program that was going to protect the privacy of dissidents the world over -- because I didn't have enough details about...

Statistical Distribution of Combat Wounds to the Head
From Schneier on Security

Statistical Distribution of Combat Wounds to the Head

This is interesting: The study, led by physician Yuval Ran, looked at Israeli combat deaths from 2000 to 2004 and tracked where bullet entries appeared on the...

Four Irrefutable Security Laws
From Schneier on Security

Four Irrefutable Security Laws

This list is from Malcolm Harkins, Intel's chief information security officer, and it's a good one (from a talk at Forrester's Security Forum): Users want...
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