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Communications of the ACM



Camera Jammer that Protects Licence Plates
From Schneier on Security

Camera Jammer that Protects Licence Plates

noPhoto reacts to a camera flash, and then jams the image with a bright light. The website makes the point that this is legal, but that can't last.

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Insurance
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Insurance

This was once a real insurance product. Squid Insurance Marketing was the low-end offering at Astonish, complete with the tagline "Nothing Kills a Squid!" As...

Stoking Cyber Fears
From Schneier on Security

Stoking Cyber Fears

A lot of the debate around President Obama's cubsersecurity initiative center on how much of a burden it would be on industry, and how that should be financed.originally...

Analysis of How  Bitcoin Is Actually Used
From Schneier on Security

Analysis of How Bitcoin Is Actually Used

"Quantitative Analysis of the Full Bitcoin Transaction Graph," by Dorit Ron and Adi Shamir: Abstract. The Bitcoin scheme is a rare example of a large scale global...

Genetic Privacy
From Schneier on Security

Genetic Privacy

New report from the Presidential Commission for the Study of Biothethical Issues. It's called "Privacy and Progress in Whole Genome Sequencing." The Commission...

Studying Zero-Day Attacks
From Schneier on Security

Studying Zero-Day Attacks

Interesting paper: "Before We Knew It: An Empirical Study of Zero-Day Attacks In The Real World," by Leyla Bilge and Tudor Dumitras: Abstract: Little is known...

Apple Turns on iPhone Tracking in iOS6
From Schneier on Security

Apple Turns on iPhone Tracking in iOS6

This is important: Previously, Apple had all but disabled tracking of iPhone users by advertisers when it stopped app developers from utilizing Apple mobile device...

Master Keys
From Schneier on Security

Master Keys

Earlier this month, a retired New York City locksmith was selling a set of "master keys" on eBay: Three of the five are standard issue for members of the FDNY,...

Another <i>Liars and Outliers</i> Review
From Schneier on Security

Another Liars and Outliers Review

I was reviewed in Science: Thus it helps to have a lucid and informative account such as Bruce Schneier's Liars and Outliers. The book provides an interesting...

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Car
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Car

A squid art car. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered.

"Ask Nicely" Doesn't Work as a Security Mechanism
From Schneier on Security

"Ask Nicely" Doesn't Work as a Security Mechanism

Apple's map application shows more of Taiwan than Google Maps: The Taiwanese government/military, like many others around the world, requests that satellite imagery...

The Insecurity of Networks
From Schneier on Security

The Insecurity of Networks

Not computer networks, networks in general: Findings so far suggest that networks of networks pose risks of catastrophic danger that can exceed the risks in isolated...

Story of a CIA Burglar
From Schneier on Security

Story of a CIA Burglar

This is a fascinating story of a CIA burglar, who worked for the CIA until he tried to work against the CIA. The fact that he stole code books and keys from foreign...

New Developments in Captchas
From Schneier on Security

New Developments in Captchas

In the never-ending arms race between systems to prove that you're a human and computers that can fake it, here's a captcha that tests whether you have human feelings...

Friday Squid Blogging: Giant Squid Engraving from the 1870s
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Giant Squid Engraving from the 1870s

Neat book illustration. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered.

When Will We See Collisions for SHA-1?
From Schneier on Security

When Will We See Collisions for SHA-1?

On a NIST-sponsored hash function mailing list, Jesse Walker (from Intel; also a member of the Skein team) did some back-of-the-envelope calculations to estimate...

Maps Showing Spread of ZeroAccess Botnet
From Schneier on Security

Maps Showing Spread of ZeroAccess Botnet

The folks at F-Secure have plotted ZeroAccess infections across the U.S. and across Europe. It's interesting to see, but I'm curious to see the data normalized...

Tradecraft and Terrorism
From Schneier on Security

Tradecraft and Terrorism


Authentication Stories
From Schneier on Security

Authentication Stories

Anecdotes from Asia on seals versus signatures on official documents.

Keccak is SHA-3
From Schneier on Security

Keccak is SHA-3

NIST has just announced that Keccak has been selected as SHA-3. It's a fine choice. I'm glad that SHA-3 is nothing like the SHA-2 family; something completely...
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